Local News
6th Congressional GOP Debate Impeachment Brought Up

During a debate in Fond du Lac Tuesday night involving three Republican candidates for Congress impeachment of President Barack Obama came up. House speaker John Boehner yesterday denied Republicans were moving to impeach the president. Candidates for the 6th Congressional District seat were asked about impeachment. State Senator Joe Leibham says it has to be proven first through hearings he violated constitutional responsibilities or lied to Congress or the people. But Leibham says he’s getting close to that especially when it comes to immigration. State Senator Glenn Grothman says Republicans won’t be able to impeach the President unless they have the public behind them and they will have to do a good job of educating the public first. State Representative Duey Stroebel says it’s a ploy by Democrats to try and win elections in the fall. The candidates also answered questions about Common Core, reauthorization of the import-export bank, legalizing marijuana and others.
GOP Candidates For Congress Talk About Illegal Immigration
What would Republican candidates for the 6th Congressional District seat do about illegal immigration? The question was brought up during a debate in Fond du Lac Tuesday evening. Securing the border was talked about. State Senator Joe Leibham says that’s something that needs to be done first. He says he would then work to develop an immigration plan that works. State Representative Duey Stroebel agreed, but he also says he doesn’t trust the president on the issue. He also says he’s against amnesty and the pathway to citizenship. State Senator Glenn Grothman says the United States has become a welfare magnet for the Western Hemisphere. He’s also concerned about a constitution amendment concerning citizenship granted to the babies illegal immigrants give birth to. All three also came out against the legalization of marijuana and say the Republican Party is not waging a war against women.
GOP Congressional Candidates Talk About Votes During Doyle Budgets
State Representative Duey Stroebel was asked during a debate of the Republican candidates for the 6th Congressional District seat about his remarks that his opponents are career politicians and big spenders. During the debate in Fond du Lac Tuesday night Stroebel said the federal government’s out of control spending is due to people who don’t say no like his opponents. In particular he was referring to votes by State Senators Joe Leibham and Glenn Grothman on budgets during Governor Jim Doyle’s administration. Grothman says if Stroebel did his homework he’d have realized that Republicans were in control of the legislature during a portion of Doyle’s terms. He says he voted against the bad budgets. Leibham says it’s laughable to suggest he was a big spender and he too voted against the bad budgets. The three face each other in the August 12th primary.
Listen for a rebroadcast of the debate at 5:30 this evening on News-Talk 1450 KFIZ!