Local News
Al Buechel Celebrating Forty Years In County Government

Fond du Lac County Executive Al Buechel celebrates 40 years in County Government this week. He was elected to the County Board on April 20th of 1976 and as County Executive on the same date in 1993 and ever since. He says he wouldn’t do it if he didn’t enjoy it. At one time he toyed with the notion of running for Governor, but says abandoned that idea and any concerning serving in the state legislature long ago. He says a big reason for that is because he loves what he is doing. He says he intends to run for County Executive again next spring. He says his health is good and he loves the challenges of the job. A reception will be held for Buechel at the City-County Government Center tonight at 5 p.m. with a special presentation in the legislative chambers at 6:15. The public is welcome to attend.