Local News
Al Buechel Honored For Forty Years In County Government

Local, County and State officials sang the praises of Fond du Lac County Executive Al Buechel during a celebration of his 40 years in County Government. Former Congressman Tom Petri was at a reception for Buechel Tuesday evening. Petri says Buechel certainly earned the recognition he received. State Senator Luther Olsen of Ripon says the County can be proud of the service it’s received from Buechel. During a special presentation in the City-County Government Center legislative chambers State Senator Duey Stroebel presented Buechel with a proclamation from state legislators in honor of his service. There was a steady line of well wishers during the reception and the legislative chambers were packed for the special presentation. Pictured above Al Buechel wearing a special gift from Fond du Lac County Chief Psychiatrist Dr. J. R. Musunuru.
See the Tribute video played during the presentation.
A Nuggie For Your Thoughts
Surrounded by family and well wishers, Fond du Lac County Executive Al Buechel enjoyed a night in his honor at the City-County Government Center in Fond du Lac. That’s not to say it wasn’t difficult for him to be overwhelmed during a reception and a special presentation in the legislative chambers afterwards. He says it was way beyond what he was expecting. One of the highlights was about a 10-minute video that included interviews from people praising Buechel for his 40 years of County government service. Former Governor Tommy Thompson in the video nearly stole the show while praising Buechel he supposedly received a call from Donald Trump, but told his assistant to make Trump wait. Buechel had his own Tommy story. He says Tommy was in the County for a dedication and came up, grabbed him around the neck and gave him a nuggie. Buechel on a more serious note says the County benefitted greatly from its relationship with Governor Thompson.
Al Buechel with his wife Betty.
One of the cakes served at the reception.