Local News
Ballweg Named Legislator Of Year

The Wisconsin County Constitutional Officers Association and the Wisconsin Register of Deeds Association recently named State Representative Joan Ballweg their Legislator of the Year. Ballweg authored seven pieces of legislation on behalf of both associations and all seven were passed into law. Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg is the president of County Constitutional Officers Association. She worked with Ballweg on some of the legislation. She says thanks to Ballweg’s efforts they got some statutes changed that were outdated. Bethany Anderson, Ballweg’s legislative aide, was also named the Wisconsin Register of Deeds Association Legislative Aide of the Year.
*Ballweg with County Clerks* (L-R) Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg, Waushara County Clerk Melanie Stake, Green Lake County Clerk Marge Bostelmann, Rep. Joan Ballweg
*Ballweg with Registers* (L-R) Fond du Lac County Register of Deeds Shawn Kelly, Adams County Register of Deeds Jodi Helgeson, Marquette County Register of Deeds Bette Krueger, Waushara County Register of Deeds Heather Schwersenska, Green Lake County Register of Deeds Sarah Guenther, Rep. Joan Ballweg