Local News
Ballweg Scholarship Winners Announced

State Representative Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) presented her 2016 Joan Ballweg Leadership Scholarships last month to outstanding students across the 41st Assembly District. Each scholarship winner received their award from Rep. Ballweg during their schools’ awards night.
“These scholarships are awarded to individuals who demonstrate a balance in their activities, achieve good grades, and are outstanding role models and leaders among their peers,” said Ballweg. “Each spring, I look forward to learning about the student leaders we have in the 41st Assembly District. This year’s group of leaders was inspiring and I know they will bring great things to their new collegiate communities.”
The 2016 Joan Ballweg Leadership Scholarship winners, each receiving a $500 scholarship, are:
Kristen Baranowski, Green Lake High School, has been a well-rounded leader in Green Lake. Her strong work ethic has led to success in both academics and athletics. It is clear she worked hard, by coming in before school for extra help when needed or recruiting more athletes to fill the roster for a team sport. Kristen has served as captain of both the volleyball and basketball teams, as a member of student council, and volunteered for numerous community organizations such as Rotary, United Way and Boys and Girls Club.
Alesha Guenther, Berlin High School, is a very involved student and often participates and succeeds in activities such as forensics and mock trial. She has honed her skills to become an excellent communicator, a key attribute of an effective leader. Alesha also served as Student Council President, and captain of both Forensics and Swim Team. Outside of school, Alesha was selected for Badger Girls State and participated in other leadership organizations.
Carter Hunter, Markesan High School, is a model student-athlete and a member of the state-bound Markesan baseball team. He excelled in both individual and team sports, realizing the effort and motivation it takes to achieve academic success as well. He is a state qualifying athlete, team captain, and a member of National Honor Society. I believe he has the opportunity and drive to influence young athletes for years to come.
Keely Neeb, Montello High School, through school and community groups, has organized and participated in numerous charity events. Her compassionate side fits with her goal of becoming a Registered Nurse and then a Nurse Practitioner. Keely has served as captain of the basketball, volleyball and softball teams, President of Rotary Interact Club and has been an active member in numerous service organizations around town.
Nicole Rainey (Pictured), Ripon High School, has been a well-rounded leader at Ripon High, involving herself in athletics, school and community organizations. I can see why she was a state qualifier in Spreadsheet Applications for Future Business Leaders of America. She put her skills to good use in organizing her scholarship application. Nicole has also served two consecutive terms as Class President, Soccer captain, and volunteered in many community organizations, all while holding down a steady job at Culver’s. For Nicole, the Flavor of the Day every day is, “Keep Calm and Carry On.”
Follow the 41st Assembly District by liking the Wisconsin State Representative Joan Ballweg Facebook page (www.facebook.com/WIRepBallweg).