Local News
Bob Haases Another Can Of Worms

More Than the Score!
Being an outdoor photographer I am often looking for things in nature that other don’t see and just walk on by. This might be the case in the Packer’s victory over the New England Patriots. Where most of us watched a well played game, I noticed something different between the two teams that to me may be even more important than the final score.
When Patriots quarterback Tom Brady returned to the sidelines disappointed with another three and out he stomped up and down shouting vulgarities at the top of his voice using the “F” word. This did not happen just once, but just about every time things didn’t go the way he wanted them to. He acted more like a little kid than a professional athlete! I don’t think you have ever seen Aaron Rogers do this and I don’t think you ever will.
This is true for the rest of the Packer players and maybe what sets them apart from other football teams. The Packer’s have been called America’s football team and it may be for more than winning football games…. it may be for the way they play the game. I think we need to recognize Coach McCarthy, the other coaches, and all the players for character and example they set on and off the field.
Football players and other professional athletes are role models that our kids look up to and try to model themselves after. Would you rather have your kids model themselves after Tom Brady or Aaron Rogers? I think you could say the same for the rest of the Packer players and coaches in how they conduct themselves on the field and the great things they do in the community.
Maybe that is another reason that the Packers have the best fan base in America and why I have been and continue to be a Packer fan!
Bob is the host of “Outdoors Thursday” heard Thursday mornings at 9:10 a.m. on News-Talk 1450 KFIZ.