Local News
Broadband Project Successful

Fond du Lac County’s agreement with Bug Tussel Wireless to expand broadband services across the county has worked out well. Bug Tussel owner Steven Schneider recently updated the County Board on that effort. Originally the project aimed for 80 internet customers per tower with a total of 12 towers, but Schneider says they got much more than that with 14 towers and the number of customers they have will allow them to pay for the bonds they took out and interest on them. They have 1,483 new broadband customers or 106 customers per tower. The project became self-sustaining nine months ago. Schneider says they will be doing some upgrades. That includes higher speeds of 100 megabytes per second for some sites in the network. Bug Tussel will be absorbing the costs for those upgrades. Schneider said there are a couple of holes in the network. That includes the Eden area, another near Fairwater and also in Ladoga.