Local News
Cooking For A Cure Donation Goes To Agnesian HealthCare Foundation

The GWRRA (Gold Wing Roads Riders Association) local Chapter C in the Fond du Lac area has donated $2,100 to support the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation Women’s Health Fund for Breast Cancer.
The donation was made possible through a yearlong campaign to raise money for breast cancer in tribute to the many people who have fought this disease. The chapter gathered recipes and published a cookbook to sell, “Cooking for a Cure.”
GWRRA is an organization of motorcycle riders that ride Honda Gold Wing motorcycles. Members volunteer for various organizations in the Fond du Lac area, such as the ARC of Fond du Lac, Race the Lake, various brat fry fund-raisers for the American Red Cross, Veteran’s Museum in Oshkosh and food pantries.
GWRRA representatives recently made the donation, including (left to right) Dori Easterson, GWRRA, local Chapter C; Michelle Ries, Agnesian HealthCare Foundation; and Jill Krizizke, GWRRA, local Chapter C director.