Local News
Dodge County Text to 911 Service
The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office reminds residents that a
text to 9-1-1 service is available to any active cell phone in the county. The
service is intended for people who may be deaf, hard of hearing, or speech
impaired – or where a situation to place a phone call may not be possible or
safe to do.
Law enforcement says there are several things to keep in mind if
sending a text to 911 – like providing location information, the nature of the
emergency, and only using it for emergencies. Text abbreviations and slang
should not be used, as it can confuse the dispatcher receiving the information
and possibly delay response – and no pictures or videos are able to be taken
yet. If a person sends a text in a border area – it may send the text to
another county that may not have text to 911 – and it could bounce back telling
them to place a call.