Local News
Dodge County Traffic Crash Reduction Effort
Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt is hoping their traffic crash reduction effort will reduce the number of serious and fatal accidents on their highways. They’ve made sure the public knows about it. “And more than just stepping up traffic enforcement we’ve gotten the word out to people through the media, through our social media letting people know that it is important that they change their driving behaviors.” Schmidt says it is a high intensity traffic enforcement so people see all the lights, they see the stops. He says, “It is not necessarily about the person we are stopping it’s about the other people the halo effect that say, ‘Oh man there’s squads out here we need to change our driving behavior slow down’ so we can prevent what has been going on for the last year and a half which is a lot of fatal crashes.” Last year 21 people were killed in Dodge County accidents and there were a number of others during the last six months of 2016. During recent crash reduction efforts third shift deputies made 41 traffic stops in seven hours and second shift deputies had 24 or 25 stops in a three hour period.