Sports News
East Shore League Report – 8-18-14
WP: Zach Sand LP: Scott Jensen
F: Riley Dahlk 3×6, HR
C: Mike Kolbe 2×6, 2B
WP: Tony Birschbach LP: Mike Prado
M: Doug Beattie 3 hits
MtC: Eric Weber 2 hits
Johnsburg 15
7 innings
WP: Tim Muellenbach LP: Jake Schneider
J: Cory Nickel 4×5, 2 – 2B
StP: Nick Bates 2 runs scored
Cloudy 0
WP: Tom Eckhardt LP: N/A
C: Tim Salm 3×5, 2 HRs
2nd Half Standings
Johnsburg 5-2
Marytown 2-5
Chlton 2-5
Forest wins the 2nd half title and will face off
with 1st half champion
series starting next Sunday. The first
game is at