Local News
Evening Of Art Supports UW FDL Student Scholarships

The UW-Fond du Lac Art Students League will present the annual Art Momentum show and sale, 5-8 p.m. on Friday, May 6, in the University Center Commons, 400 University Dr. The event is free and open to the public.
Art Momentum is a student-run, organized and juried art event. The evening will feature student art work on display and available for purchase. There will also be light refreshments.
Students who participate in the Art Momentum show commit to donating half of the proceeds from each item sold to support a student art scholarship fund through the UW-Fond du Lac Foundation.
New this year, a selection of donated art and craft items from local artists will be available for purchase with 100% of the proceeds from these items supporting the art scholarship fund.
For most of the students, this is their first experience showing work, having it judged and offering it for sale. A mixture of drawings, paintings and three dimensional work will be available for purchase.
“The students have been carefully selecting work for this event for several months,” said Wendi Turchan, art lecturer. “Art Momentum is a wonderful opportunity to show our support for the work done this year by the art students at UW-Fond du Lac.”
Student work will be judged this year by artist Mel Kolstad.
For more information call (920) 929-1100.