Local News
FDL Amateur Radio Club Meets Monday

On Monday evening, Emmett Hohensee, designer of the Sentinel Barrett 160-6 Meter Hexbeam antenna made by the RadioWavZ Antenna Company will speak at the monthly meeting of the Fond du Lac Amateur Radio Club. The meeting will be held on Monday, July 11th at 7:00 PM in room O102 and is open to the public.
Sentinel Hex Beams are directional antennas that provide great performance with reduced size, and weight. The Sentinel is designed from the ground up. All parts that go in making the hexagonal beam antenna are specifically crafted for each function. All elements are pre-measured and normally ready to use. The hexagonal beam (or known by many as the hex beam) has become a wildly popular antenna. It is a directional antenna that provides great performance and does not require a full scale, expensive tower. It allows the average amateur radio operator to compete with the big boys for DX and without spending your retirement to do so. It can be stealthy against a background of trees or mounted low behind your roof line, and you can communicate round the world!
If you would like to learn more about the Hex Beam antenna and speak with the designer, please come to the meeting at Moraine Park on July 11th. For more information on the RadioWavZ line of Hex Beams, check out their website at www.radiowavz.com. For more information on the meeting, call Joe Scheibinger at 920-237-1450.