Local News
FDL City Council Back To Full Membership

For the first time in nearly six months the Fond du Lac City Council is back to a full seven members. Tuesday incumbents Lee Ann Lorrigan and Karyn Merkel, and newcomers Kay Miller and Derek TerBeest were sworn in for two year terms. Lorrigan and Merkel were unanimously elected Council President and Vice-President respectively. Lorrigan says she’s ready for another year leading the Council. She says she feels privileged to be serving with a great group of people. She says there is a learning curve for new members, but Miller and TerBeest will learn fast with the committee assignments they also received. She says the Council has a lot ahead of it this year. She says there are great projects, improvements for Lakeside Park, the downtown revitalization project, and a lot to come for the City. She says she’s excited for its future. The Council has operated with six members says Councilman Brian Foster resigned last October.