Local News
FDL City Council Notes 3/9/16

The Fond du Lac City Council Wednesday night concurred
with a staff recommendation to tell the state’s Department of Transportation not
to include a roundabout at Merrill and Main in their designs for a future North
Main Street project. Public Works Director Jordan Skiff told the Council that in
order to do the roundabout parking lots for Edward Jones and City would be
impacted, but Hopper’s Silkscreening and All-Star Trophy would have to be
purchased and the business would have to be relocated. He says that would add
$500,000 to $1 million to the project cost. Skiff says if the DOT maintains
control of Highway 45 that section of North Main Street to Johnson Street
wouldn’t be improved until 2022, but if the City does the project it would
likely happen in 2019.
with a staff recommendation to tell the state’s Department of Transportation not
to include a roundabout at Merrill and Main in their designs for a future North
Main Street project. Public Works Director Jordan Skiff told the Council that in
order to do the roundabout parking lots for Edward Jones and City would be
impacted, but Hopper’s Silkscreening and All-Star Trophy would have to be
purchased and the business would have to be relocated. He says that would add
$500,000 to $1 million to the project cost. Skiff says if the DOT maintains
control of Highway 45 that section of North Main Street to Johnson Street
wouldn’t be improved until 2022, but if the City does the project it would
likely happen in 2019.
In other business the Council approved appointments to
the Fond du Lac Downtown Exploratory Committee and the committee’s operating
charter. Seventeen people will serve on the committee with two alternates. The
Council also approved curb and gutter work on Tompkins Street, North Boardman,
Melrose Boulevard, East 10th and East Arndt Streets. Project costs for that
street improvement work come close to $2 million.
the Fond du Lac Downtown Exploratory Committee and the committee’s operating
charter. Seventeen people will serve on the committee with two alternates. The
Council also approved curb and gutter work on Tompkins Street, North Boardman,
Melrose Boulevard, East 10th and East Arndt Streets. Project costs for that
street improvement work come close to $2 million.