Local News
FDL City Council Refers Dog Issue To Advisory Park Board

The Fond du Lac City Council voted Wednesday night to refer a proposal to allow dogs in City parks to the Advisory Park Board. Four people spoke about the issue before the Council considered it. Two were in favor and two opposed. Charles Mauch says it would put children playing in the parks at risk. He also says not everyone is a responsible owner and people also don’t clean up after their dogs. Council members pointed out people bring their dogs to the Farmers Market and there don’t seem to be any problems. Councilman Brian Kolstad brought up the proposal saying there are health benefits to allowing dogs in parks for example people who generally don’t walk, but will when they walk their dogs. Councilwoman Catherine Block proposed allowing dogs on leashes in the parks, but only on marked paths and walkways. Council President Lee Ann Lorrigan says she’d be favor of that, but she opposed allowing dogs in parks in heavy residential areas where they could stray onto private property. Lorrigan was the lone vote against sending the proposal to the Advisory Park Board.