Local News
FDL City Council Salaries Discussed
Future members of the Fond du Lac City Council could be paid more for their service on the Council. The Council discussed salaries during their recent meeting and it appeared the majority are leaning toward higher compensation for Council service. By comparison the City offers lower pay to Council members than a number of other communities. Currently City Council members receive $2,500 a year and the Council President $2,800. In comparison Oshkosh pays its members $3,750 a year and Sheboygan nearly $4,500. Council President Sam Meyer noted even members of the North Fond du Lac Village Board receive more and he would support increasing the amount for Fond du Lac City Council members to $5,000 a year and higher for the Council President. Councilwoman Lee Ann Lorrigan said she would support an increase because it would get more people to run for Council and keep those on it working hard. City Manager Joe Moore says in his view Council members are never off duty. The topic will be brought back for more discussion at the Council’s September 25th meeting.