Local News
FDL County 2015 Budget Approved

The Fond du Lac County Board Tuesday night passed the 2015 County Budget and tax levy. Finance Committee Chair Brenda Schneider said the committee felt in reviewing the budget with department heads that they had presented a fiscally responsible budget that will retain or improve services. For County Supervisor Marty Ryan and several others it was their first County Budget. He concurred with Schneider saying ultimately it’s about preserving the services provided to County residents. County Supervisor Dennis Stenz felt the Finance Committee could have challenged department heads more about making cuts, but when asked where he would make cuts in the budget Stenz said he didn’t have those kinds of facts. Ryan didn’t think as Stenz suggested pushing highway projects back or “kicking the can down the road” was a good idea. He says the County is a fiscally conservative proud County that meets its challenges head on. The Board passed the budget on a 21 to 2 vote. The tax rate will be $6.11 per thousand dollars of value on a property or a 6 cent increase.