FDL County Board Addresses COVID-19 In Special Session

The COVID-19 threat has created havoc all over the globe, but despite the challenges, business still needs to be done. And nowhere is that more evident than at the local and county levels. The FDL County Board met in special session Tuesday night to discuss those challenges, and what steps need to be taken to ensure the business of the County is taken care of.

County Board Supervisor Marty Ryan told KFIZ News that the Board took steps to ensure that both the residents and the FDL County Board are able to offer input and response to board meeting matters, using the massive amount of technology that’s available. Ryan also said it was important that clarification was made in regards to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, in making sure employees received the time off they were eligible for, while also making sure the needs of the County were being taken care of. The County Board is set to meet again Tuesday, April 21st