Local News
FDL Fire Chiefs And Mutual Aid System Get Safety Recognition

Fond du Lac County Fire Chiefs representing MABAS-Wisconsin Division 120 received the Wisconsin Fire Chiefs’ Safety Leadership Award last Saturday June 25, 2016 at the association’s annual conference in Green Bay. Fond du Lac County Chiefs were recognized for their continued effort at improving firefighter safety by developing and implementing a countywide R.I.T. (Rapid Intervention Team) approach which serves as a model in the state. Several members representing Fond du Lac County Fire Chiefs’ and MABAS Division 120 were in attendance to personally receive the award. When asked what the award means, firefighter safety was echoed throughout. “Safety for all our firefighters” said, Chief Joe Birschbach of Lamartine. Brownsville Chief Kelly Thomas, “Shows that we are making it safe for all our firefighters.” Campbellsport Chief Craig Olson added, “Shows the commitment of MABAS Division 120 to provide life savings resources for firefighters.”
Rapid Intervention Teams are assembled at scenes of structure fires anytime when firefighter operations could result in a MAYDAY situation. The specially trained firefighters, would be utilized to attempt to rescue a down firefighter in the event he/she becomes lost, injured or trapped in a fire. Fond du Lac County Fire Chiefs though MABAS Division 120 developed the training criteria, provided the specialize training and also develop “on-call” system which partners up RIT team members from various departments in the county.