Local News
FDL Man Sentenced To Probation For School Thefts

The 48-year-old Fond du Lac man who stole basketball game concession sales money from the Oakfield Junior/Senior High School was sentenced last Friday in Fond du Lac County Court. Mark Hoffman was sentenced to three years of probation and was ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution. He pled guilty to a burglary count and three others charges were read into the record and dismissed. He was working as a custodian at the school last February when the thefts occurred. Hoffman allegedly admitted to Oakfield Police that he took the money. A camera was set up in the vault after school officials became suspicious. According to the criminal complaint he was caught on video after a game and the Oakfield Police Chief Rene Schuster caught him in the act after a game. He told investigators he was having financial problems.