Local News
FDL Public Library Display Honors Endowment Fund Contributions
The Fond du Lac Public Library isn’t bringing back the old card catalog system, but a special display that looks like the old system allows them to honor donors of $2,000 or more. Library Director Jon Mark Bolthouse says it was an idea the library board’s subcommittee fostered. He says the display at least fooled one patron who though the old card catalog system may be being brought back. He says donations for an endowment fund will be used for special purposes and expenses above and beyond the day-to-day operations of the library. He says its part of an endowment fund with the Fond du Lac Area Foundation. Those who give $2,000 or more are honored with a faux drawer in the display. Judith Berger, Library board member Lori Pain and Tony Leon and his granddaughters Isabel and Victoria already are honored in the display.
In the picture:
The Fond du Lac Public Library has installed a display modeled after an old-fashioned card catalog to honor endowment fund donors. Present for the installation were donors and dignitaries. Seated, from left, Isabel Aguado, Victoria Aguado and Tony Leon. The girls are Leon’s granddaughters. The family dedicated their “drawer” to Leon’s late wife Anita (pictured in the photo held by Tony), whose well-used library card is held by Victoria. Middle row, from left, donors Judith Berger O’Brien and Lori Pain, and library board member Mel Kolstad. Back row, from left, library Director Jon Mark Bolthouse and City Manager Joe Moore. Photo by Brian Kolstad.