Local News
FDL Salvation Army Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a National Day that celebrates the impact living generously brings. The Salvation Army of Fond du Lac and the East Wisconsin-UP Michigan Region Thrivent Member Network will host a variety of events on Giving Tuesday, November 28, helping young and old alike embrace the spirit of the day while raising awareness and funds.
The East Wisconsin/UP Michigan Thrivent Member Network encourages living generously, and pledges to match qualifying personal donations up to $10,000 made to the Salvation Army of Fond du Lac on #GivingTuesday. Donate: online until 11:59 p.m. CST at the link on The Salvation Army Facebook page; at The Salvation Army Corps, 237 N. Macy Street from 9 am to 4 pm, also, the Thrift Store will collect donations from 10 am until 6 pm. Thrivent volunteers host the Red Kettles at Fleet Farm, Shopko, Walmart, and both Pick N Saves, qualifying personal donations for the match from 10 am to 4 pm.
Annie’s Fountain City Café is making squash, chicken dumpling, and chili with meat soups as a lunchtime fundraiser on Giving Tuesday – volunteers will deliver to area businesses who have placed a pre order, and Thrivent East Wisconsin/UP Michigan Thrivent Member Network will double the soup purchase proceeds. “Adding a business pre order and volunteer delivery is a service we’re glad to give,” Captain Telinda Wilson says. A limited amount number of pre orders are available and requests will be honored in the order received.
The Salvation Army Thrift Store, 79 W. Pioneer Rd., (behind Culvers, next to Pick N Save) hosts a multi faceted celebration from 10 am until 5 pm drawing community together, sharing a children’s gallery of coloring contest entries, refreshments, prizes, homemade soup, live entertainment from area choirs and ensembles as Trinity Baptist Church, Fond du Lac High School’s VJam, kids “make and take” craft zone, Santa, deep store discounts and the perfect Family Christmas Present Giveaway.
Captain Telinda Wilson sums up. “The day encircles giving, encouraging generosity even as we celebrate it, all to help us, help others. We are grateful.”
Donate, pre order, participate, and volunteer at The Salvation Army of Fond du Lac Facebook and https://connect.thrivent.com/east-wi-upper-mi-tmn/. ###end###