Local News
Federal Judge Not Budging On Highway 23 Project

Federal Judge Lynn Adelman won’t be easily swayed in his decision to halt funding for expansion of State Highway 23 between Fond du Lac and Plymouth. Last Friday the former state senator denied the Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration’s motion to reinstate the record of decision for the project. State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt of Fond du Lac says that leaves two options. He says the DOT could appeal the judge’s decision to a Federal Appeals Court or the department could resubmit more environmental documentation. Thiesfeldt says how local residents feel about delaying the project apparently has no bearing on the judge’s decision. He says people frequently bring the project up and at least one resident turned down an employment opportunity not wanting to risk the daily drive between Fond du Lac and Sheboygan. The judge’s original decision halting funding for the project was the result of a lawsuit filed by the group 1,000 Friends of Wisconsin. Fond du Lac Fire/Rescue photo.