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Fingerprint Testimony Continues In Brantner Trial

Fingerprint evidence again was the focus of testimony in a Fond du Lac County homicide trial Tuesday. Karley Hujet a fingerprint analyst for the State Crime Lab testified about identifying prints found in Berit Beck’s van as those of Dennis Brantner. The 62-year-old Kenosha man is suspected of killing the teen from Sturtevant in the summer of 1990. Upon cross examination Brantner’s lawyer, Craig Powell, asked Hujet if she could say when the prints were left in the van. Hujet said she could not and couldn’t say when prints found on items in the van were left. On redirect Deputy District Attorney Dennis Krueger questioned Hujet about avoiding bias in a case. Hujet said when she got hits from an FBI or state database she avoided associating a name with a case number for that very reason. She says that’s a step she took in the Brantner case. She was able to identify seven prints as Brantner’s. The jury trial continues today.