Local News
Flu Season More Sick Than Last Year In FDL County

This year’s flu season is turning out to be worse than last year’s in Fond du Lac County. County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says nearly 120 people have tested positive for the flu this season out of 266 that were tested. She says last year at this point 50 people had been tested and 7 were positive for the flu. She says most of those who have tested positive for the flu this season have Influenza Type A, which happens in the first part of the flu season. She says it’s still not too late to get vaccinated for the flu through a health care provider, the health department or even a pharmacy. Mueller says even if you get the flu after getting vaccinated it will offer you protection and lessen the effects. She says there are a few things she recommends to help reduce the spread of the flu. She recommends washing your hand thoroughly and often. Stay home if you’re sick and avoid contact with someone that is sick. And she says cover your mouth or nose when your are coughing or sneezing.