Local News
Grothman Intended To Run Against Petri

State Senator Glenn Grothman says he intended to take on Congressman Tom Petri for the 6th Congressional District seat this fall before Petri announced he wouldn’t seek reelection. He says Congressman Petri is a nice man and honorable, but he wasn’t going to say no to spending or the welfare state that is ruining our country. He says in the State Senate he been a leader in tax cuts, pro-life legislation and cutting the number of government employees. He says while there are people who need certain welfare benefits too many have become dependent on it who don’t need it. He says for many young people it’s become the expected life style. He also would like to repeal Obamacare or the Affordable Health Care Act. Grothman also agrees with Governor Walker that the Common Core education standards should be repealed. Grothman is one of four Republicans for the 6th Congressional District seat in the August 12th primary election.