Local News
Grothman Statement On Leibham Decision About Recount

State Sen. Glenn Grothman, Republican candidate
for Congress, issued the following statement regarding State Sen. Joe Leibham’s
decision not to seek a recount in the 6th Congressional District Republican
Primary race:
want to thank Sen. Leibham for a great campaign. As I said last week, I think
all of the candidates in this race ran campaigns to be proud of. We discussed
pressing, important issues that our country is facing right now and the need for
urgent action in Congress. I am grateful that Sen. Leibham has chosen not to
seek a recount in this race and I wish him well in his future endeavors.
look forward to a great campaign over the coming weeks as the official
Republican nominee.”
for Congress, issued the following statement regarding State Sen. Joe Leibham’s
decision not to seek a recount in the 6th Congressional District Republican
Primary race:
want to thank Sen. Leibham for a great campaign. As I said last week, I think
all of the candidates in this race ran campaigns to be proud of. We discussed
pressing, important issues that our country is facing right now and the need for
urgent action in Congress. I am grateful that Sen. Leibham has chosen not to
seek a recount in this race and I wish him well in his future endeavors.
look forward to a great campaign over the coming weeks as the official
Republican nominee.”