Local News
Ice Rescue

Five fishermen were safely rescued from Lake Winnebago late Sunday morning when they became stranded on the ice. Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Sergeant Chris Dobyns says the wind opened up a crack the 16 to 20-year-old men couldn’t cross about a half mile out from the Village of Pipe. The Sheriff’s rescue craft was used to rescue the fishermen. The crack had opened to about 50 yards wide and the ice around it was unstable. The crack runs from Fisherman’s Road not into Calumet County and is about a quarter to a half mile off shore. The area due west of Fisherman’s Road is about 100 yards wide in some areas and is also unstable. Dobyns says with warmer temperatures the ice is dangerous. He says conditions can change by the minute. The Sheriff’s Department was aided by the Town of Calumet Fire Department and Mount Calvary Ambulance. The fishermen called the County Dispatch for help at 11:29 a.m.