Local News
Jaunt For Jonah

Money is being raised in honor of a former Sabish Middle School student to send kids with forms of Muscular Dystrophy to summer camp. Jonah Juedes died in July of 2013 unexpectedly. He had Muscular Dystrophy and so does his brother Carter, a 6th grader at Sabish. The Jaunt for Jonah was established in Jonah’s honor in 2014. Melinda Mueller of Sabish says the event is coming up in May. The 5K Run/Walk will be at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 7th at Lakeside Park. Jonah’s father, Bob Juedes, says when Melinda founded the event it really helped the family. He says the family was going through depression and it was a perfect opportunity to get active again. Bob says more than 40 kids attend the camp. He says it cost over $800 to send each kid to camp to pay for nurses and medical needs while they are there. In addition to the Jaunt for Jonah, Kari Koenigs of the Downtown Deli To Go in Fond du Lac says they hope to be able to contribute $1,000 to the cause. Each month they pick a cause to contribute to.