Local News
Jury Duty Scam

If you get a voicemail from someone saying they are a deputy with the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office telling you that you missed jury duty, don’t believe it. Sheriff’s Lieutenant Cameron McGee says it is a scam. The voicemail instructs you to call a number to discuss a warrant for arrest that might be issued because you failed to appear for jury duty. You are then instructed to get a cash card to pay a fine and give the scammer the numbers on the card so they can cash it. McGee says the Sheriff’s Department doesn’t use voicemails like that or collect fines. He urges those who get that type of call to call their dispatch number at (920) 929-3390 to report it or ask to speak to someone about it. Typically the County’s Clerk of Courts Office sends out letters informing people of jury duty.