Local News
Kewaskum Woman Sentenced On Negligent Homicide Charge

Fond du Lac County Judge Dale English Friday sentenced a 27-year-old Kewaskum woman to three years in prison and two years of extended supervision for killing a Ripon woman in a traffic accident. Heather Cleveland was texting on her phone minutes before running into pickup that was turning. The pickup then hit the vehicle of 63-year-old Linda Trotter of Ripon. Trotter died at the scene. Judge English said Cleveland didn’t believe she was criminally negligent, but he disagreed. He also sentenced her to 30 hours of community service for each of the two years she is on extended service. He said it would be appropriate if she did talks for high school and college kids about the dangers of texting and driving, and speeding. He also wanted her to write a letter of apology to Trotter’s family. The accident happened on Highway 23 at Willow Road two years ago today. In March a jury found her guilty of homicide by negligent operation of a vehicle.