Local News
KFIZ News Friday 6/10/16
DNR Being Asked To Restore Bank Of FDL River On Former Quick Freeze Site
Fond du Lac Public Works Director Jordan Skiff told the City Council this week that the remediation method being used on the former Quick Freeze site hasn’t worked as well as the DNR had hoped it would. He says they are switching to a different method of cleaning up the soil and groundwater, which involves planting trees on the site. Skiff says the DNR does not plan to remove the sheet pilings and soil slope on the site off Oak Street for decades. He says they would prefer to have that done. He says if the sheet piling and soil was removed they could expand that channel on the Fond du Lac River and reduce the potential for flooding upstream. The Council granted Skiff permission to send a letter to the DNR asking them to remove the siding and restore the south bank of the river. Skiff says the DNR likely wanted to keep the sheet piling in place and avoid restoring the slope because of the cost involved. He says it could cost about $120,000.
Placement Of Sex Offenders In Dodge County Falls Through Again
The two high-risk sex offenders who were supposed to be placed at a Town of Lomira residence will not be living there. Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt says the Department of Health Services informed him the sale of the residence fell through. That means Robert Larson and Jonathan Miller will remain at the Sandridge Secure Detention Facility in Mauston while a new location for their placement is found. Schmidt says he has no clue how long that might take. He says when the two sex offenders are placed he will schedule a community notification meeting to keep the public informed. It’s the third time placement of the sex offenders in Dodge County has fallen through.
Keeping Cool In The Heat
Fond du Lac County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller has some tips for staying cool this weekend with feels like temperatures drifting into the 90s. She says whether you are going to Walleye Weekend or plan outdoors activities of your own make sure you drink plenty of water. She recommends sun screen and wearing light-colored loose fit clothing. If you’re on a new medication talk with a doctor before you go outdoors. She says people at higher risk of heat-related illness are infants and young children, people 65 years of age and older, those who are overweight, and those with chronic medical conditions. She says if you don’t have air-conditioning in your home seek out a place that is like a grocery store, mall or library. Mueller also recommends making sure your pets get plenty of water and never leaving children or pets in your car on their own.
Police And Fire Will Have A Presence At Walleye Weekend
Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue is ready for Walleye Weekend and any role they might have to play in it. Division Chief of Fire Prevention Troy Haase says they will have equipment on the grounds in case there is an emergency. He says that will include their six-wheelers and staffing for a reserve ambulance and fire engine. Law enforcement will also have a presence in Lakeside Park with a command post. Haase also reminds residents that parking will be limited in the area where the fireworks will be set off Saturday night.
Ribbon Cutting For Leadership FDL Improvements To Lighthouse
Interior improvements to the Fond du Lac lighthouse will be recognized with a ribbon cutting this afternoon. The “Looking Back Moving Forward” Leadership Fond du Lac team developed and implemented the improvements. The team gathered support and sponsors for the project. It involved painting over graffiti, adding historical photos and displays, and adding Wifi and a guest book. The ribbon cutting is at 3 p.m. at the Lighthouse.
Westbound US 10 Closures Overnight Friday
The state’s Department of Transportation tells us Highway US 10 westbound in Winnebago County will be closed overnight Friday for a traffic switch. Westbound US 10 and southbound State Highway 441 between County Highway AP or Midway Road and 1-41 will be closed from 8 p.m. Friday to 7 a.m. Saturday. Eastbound US 10 between I-41 and County Highway AP will be reduced to a single lane. Ramp closings will include the Westbound US 10 on-ramp from County Highway AP, and Westbound US 10 to north and southbound I-41 ramps.