Local News
KFIZ News Friday 7/8/16
Over Nine Hundred Participate In Well Water Survey
Over 930 people responded to a well water survey in Fond du Lac County. Diana Tscheschlok of the UW- Extension Service says 40 percent of the surveys were completed and returned after the first mailing. She says what they learned was that people wanted to know about making their water safe, particularly young families and women. Nearly 90 percent said the results of their most recent ell test indicated that their well water quality was fine. She says she’s concerned about those who said they would have their water tested if there was a visible problem. She says there is a lot water contamination you can’t see, taste or smell so you should have your water tested every year. She says they have information on their website about how to get your well water tested. You can also go through the County Health Department for testing.
Read more about the survey.
FDL County Officials Attending Hazardous Materials Training
Sixty officials from across Fond du Lac County will be attending a training session next week about handling hazardous materials spills. Fond du Lac Fire Chief Peter O’Leary says it will be held at the Emergency Management Institute in Emmitsburg, Maryland. He says those officials come from a wide range of positions from village administrators, to railroad officials, to health care provider representatives. He says training will incorporate how to handle a large-scale disaster for example how to handle a hazardous materials spill at the railroad yard in North Fond du Lac. O’Leary says there all types of hazardous materials that are transported through the county on a daily basis. He says that would include transportation by rail, semi, and other forms of transportation.
Deforest Man Pleads Not Guilty To Fleeing Charge
The 25-year-old Deforest man facing a felony charge for a high speed chase was arraigned this week in Dodge County court. Christian Barry pled not guilty. He allegedly led an officer on a high speed chase through several townships at speeds up to 130 miles an hour. The chase concluded when he crashed into a pole’s guide wire on County Highway T. The officer tried to pull him over for a busted tail light. Barry was driving on a suspended license. He will be back in court on August 12th.
Agnesian HealthCare Foundation Garden Walk And Art Fair Sunday
Hundreds are expected to attend the Agnesian HealthCare Foundations’ Garden Walk and Art Fair this Sunday. It’s the 20th year for the event that is put on rain or shine from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Michelle Ries of the foundation says you can purchase tickets or get more information at Agnesian’s website. This year’s event will benefit the Treffert Center. The Garden Walk will feature six beautiful gardens including gardens at St. Agnes Hospital where the Art Fair will also be held. The cost for tickets is $15.
Mercury Marine Featured On MAVTV
Mercury Marine in Fond du Lac was recently featured on Titan American Built, a nationally televised program focusing on manufacturing in the United States. The show highlights a group of future manufacturers, taking a tour of Mercury Marine’s global headquarters in Fond du Lac, and learning about the value of manufacturing. Chris Drees, Mercury Marine vice president of global manufacturing says, “We thought Titan and his crew did a fantastic job highlighting the positive aspects of manufacturing at Mercury Marine.” The show, which can be seen on MAVTV, spent a few days in Wisconsin beginning at Eleva-Strum high school and ending up in Fond du Lac.
Catch a sneak peek of the episode.
To read more click here.
IGNITE Adds Eighteenth Partner
IGNITE! Business Success, a Fond du Lac-based entrepreneurial network, has added its 18th partner, Junior Achievement -Winnebago Region. Junior Achievement is the world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students in grades K-12 about entrepreneurship. Two years ago, IGNITE! started with fifteen entrepreneur resource providers in Fond du Lac County.
Read more by clicking here.