Local News
KFIZ News Saturday 7/9/16
Senator Johnson On Dallas Shootings
Senator Ron Johnson Friday paid tribute to the police officers killed in a shooting in Dallas, Texas. Johnson says it is a sobering reminder of the bravery of our men and women in uniform. He also says everything must be done to heal the divisions in the nation that seem be growing wider every day. Twelve officers were shot during the incident in Dallas Thursday night; five police officers died.
IRS Scam Arrests Good News
An administrator with the state’s Consumer Protection Department says federal officials are finally making some headway on cracking down on the IRS scam. Frank Frassetto says the recent arrest of five people in Miami who had scammed people out of $2 million was good news and will help the victims who they scammed in a number of states. He says attorneys general in Minnesota, Texas, and Arkansas will be having a say on their prosecution. He says over time the IRS scam has already netted over $36 million.
Good Response From Town Of Byron For Well Water Survey
Because of past history with water issues the Fond du Lac County UW-Extension Service targeted Town of Byron residents in particular when they sent out a well water survey. Diana Tscheschlok of the Extension Service says the survey was sent out to well owners across the County, mostly random. But she says they sent it out to all well owners in the Town of Byron. She says in fact they learned from the survey that people from Byron knew more about well water safety and testing than randomly selected County residents. In fact of the 931 people who completed and sent back the survey, 20 percent of them were well owners in the Town of Byron.
Summer Slide A Real Thing
An official with the Fond du Lac Public Library says the “Summer Slide” is a real thing. It may sound like a water park attraction, but it’s a term educators use for the fall off in learning retention kids suffer if they don’t keep an active mind during the summer months. Library Community Information Coordinator Terri Fleming says kids who read during the summer are better at retaining what they learned during the school year. The Fond du Lac Public Library has a summer reading program for kids, teens, and adults. Ready, Set, Read! runs through August 13th with prizes and other fun.
Pickett Steam Engine Club Independence Pull Tonight
The Pickett Steam Engine Club will hold it’s annual Independence Truck and Tractor Pull tonight at 7 p.m. Clayton Wellman of the club says they will have all kinds of classes of truck and tractors involved in the pull. He says although the pull does start until 7 p.m. food will be available starting at 4 p.m. He says it’s the kind of event the whole family can enjoy. Kids 12 and under admitted free and it is only $5 for adults. He says the club donates money to a lot of other community activities. The club grounds are on Olden Road about 4 miles north of Rosendale off Highway 26 and about 7 miles south of Oshkosh off Highway 26.