Local News
KFIZ News Thursday 6/9/16
FDL Man Back In Court On Another Set Of Charges
The 41-year-old Fond du Lac man suspected of sexually assaulting a babysitter is back in court this afternoon for a preliminary hearing, but on another set of charges. Jose Veliz allegedly threw a glass and hit his live-in girlfriend in the head with it. She needed stitches to her forehead, under her left eye and left earlobe. According to the criminal complaint the two had gone to a cookout and Veliz had been drinking. He allegedly told police he threw a glass at a wall and a shard of glass must have hit his girlfriend. The incident happened at the couple’s home on May 28th.
Fire Displaces Residents Of Plymouth Apartment Building
Residents of a Plymouth apartment complex were displaced by a fire Tuesday afternoon. The blaze in the 400 block of North Highland Avenue was reported at 4:45 p.m. The Red Cross is helping displaced residents. The cause of the fire is being determined. No injuries were reported.
Waupun Woman Sentenced On Burglary Charges
The 24-year-old Waupun woman involved in a Dodge County crime spree has been sentenced. Brittany Hopp was sentenced to 90 days in jail and three years of probation on a burglary charge. She pled guilty to that charge and six other charges were read into the record and dismissed. She took power tools and electronics from garages in the City of Waupun last August. She told prosecutors she did it to support a heroin habit. Hopp will be also be enrolled in the county’s Treatment Alternatives and Diversion program.
Sheboygan Man Lied About Van Being Shot At
Sheboygan Police say a 27-year-old Sheboygan man lied about being shot at while he was driving his girlfriend’s van Sunday night. Quintin Collins told police someone drove up to the van while he was stopped at an intersection and fired into the van. Investigators determined Collins fired his own gun into the vehicle for an unknown reason. A bullet hole was discovered in the driver’s side rear sliding door. Collins is charged with recklessly endangering safety and obstruction.
Waupun Facilities Committee Nearing Final Recommendations
The Facility Advisory Committee working for the Waupun Area School District is getting closer to finalizing its recommendations for a November referendum. District Superintendent Tonya Gubin says the base plan has been refined and about $1 million has been trimmed from it bringing the total cost for improvements to district facilities to $35.8 million. She says a second referendum question to add an auditorium at the Junior-Senior High School didn’t have any support and has been dropped. She says they are hoping if the referendum passes it will be tax neutral, but the tax rate could be even lower depending on the interest rate they get for bonds. She says they calculated on a 4.5 percent interest rate, but currently those levels are hovering around 3 percent. The committee will make its final recommendations at the school board’s June 20th meeting. Gubin says the board could make more cuts to the base plan before they finalize the referendum date in August.
Mercury Marine National Walleye Tournament In FDL This Weekend
Mercury Marine will sponsor its 38th National Walleye Tournament this weekend. It’s the tournament that led to Walleye Weekend in the first place. Michelle Kilburn Jaeger is Mercury’s Senior Manager of Competition Angling. She says with the new dock built on the south side of Oven Island the weigh-ins at Lakeside Park are returning to the Island and people are pleased about that. The tournament features up to 300 teams. Kilburn Jaeger says a lot of those teams are made up of family members and friends. She says there is an entry fee for teams, but Mercury puts all of that money back in winnings for the top teams and also provides prizes as well. She says the tournament is a way of thanking the community and all of those that support Mercury products.
Parkinsons Fundraiser At Thelma
Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts will host a special exhibit opening of a Fond du Lac artist and his journey with Parkinson’s disease. The event on Friday June 17th will also raise funds for the research of Parkinson’s disease. The exhibit opening features the works of Tom Remo, before and after his diagnosis. Remo died in 2014. In addition to the exhibit opening, the evening includes a reception with hors d’oeuvres, a short program and a concert by Mission River Band. The event begins at 6 pm with the program at 7 pm and the concert at 7:30 pm. Tickets for the event are $25 and can be ordered by calling THELMA at 920-921-5410 or by visiting thelmaarts.org. A limited number of tables are available. The event is sponsored by Agnesian HealthCare, Jo Ann Ward, Jon Flood, and Bob and Lori Hornung.