Local News
KFIZ News Tuesday 5/31/16
Getting Out Information On Waupun Referendum
Waupun Schools Superintendent Tonya Gubin says there has been a lot of information about the district’s proposed $36.8 million referendum already, but they will get more information out this fall. She says first the school board has to approve having a referendum. She says the feedback they got from a recent survey has already given them a glimpse of what district voters want and don’t want. She says one of the other things they found is that district residents are pleased with how much more information the school district has shared with them over the past four years Gubin has served as superintendent. The Facilities Advisory Committee will hold another meeting about the referendum at the Rock River Intermediate School next Monday at 6 p.m.
FDL City Council Proclaims James Maggie Megellas Day
The Fond du Lac City Council this week honored James “Maggie” Megellas with a proclamation designating June 14th at James “Maggie” Megellas Day in the City. There will be a dedication ceremony that day renaming the Fond du Lac Post Office after Lt. Colonel Megellas a native of Fond du Lac and World War II hero. Fond du Lac American Legion Post Commander Ed Barnes accepted the proclamation for Megellas. Barnes says Megellas is honored, but shares it with those who have served this Country. Megellas was elected to the Fond du Lac’s first City Council and was also the Council’s first president in 1958.
MPTC Looking To Improve Security
Moraine Park Technical College will be taking some steps towards on campus security. Carrie Kasubaski is Moraine Park’s Vice President of Finance and Administration. She says they will be doing a exercise this summer involving a threat with a weapon scenario. She says they will be partnering with some local law enforcement and rescue organizations to practice the drills they have in place. She says they will also be doing something about access to their campuses over the next few years. She says that has to do with access controls and having the ability to lock down their facilities quickly.
Crack Sealing Work Begins This Week On Interstate Forty One
The state’s Department of Transportation tells us crack sealing will start on I-41 in Fond du Lac and Winnebago Counties this Wednesday. Approximately 24 miles will be improved from the south Fond du Lac County line to Highway 26 in Winnebago County. The $650,000 pavement sealing project is expected to finish by mid-July. Nighttime lane and shoulder closures will run from 7 p.m. until 9 a.m. the following morning, Monday through Thursday evenings, and 8 p.m. until 8 a.m. Friday evening. All lanes will be open during daytime hours.
Pop Up Crepe Café Coming This Weekend
A small group of local young professionals has been inspired to create a fun event in Fond du Lac under their newly formed Pop-Up Fond du Lac initiative. The inaugural event of the Pop-Up Fond du Lac group will be a Pop-Up Crepe Café bringing together great food, local art, and music. The vent will be held at the former Pockets location at 119 South Main Street. It will be open Friday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day. All crepes will cost $5.