Local News
KFIZ News Tuesday 6/28/16
Bond Set For Horicon Man Who Solicited Sex On The Internet From Faux Teen
A Winnebago County judge set bond at $10,000 cash for a former Beaver Dam High School soccer coach facing child sex charges. Colin Stringer appeared in court last Friday. He coached the girls’ Junior Varsity team in 2015 and was arrested last Wednesday in Oshkosh. Prosecutors say an Oshkosh officer was monitoring posts on social media June 17 and reportedly responded to a post from Stinger by sending a picture of a 14-year-old girl then engaging the 29-year-old Horicon man in explicit conversation. Stringer was arrested after showing up at an arranged meeting place.
Oshkosh Sex Offender Moves
A 56-year-old sex offender has moved to 145A High Avenue #4 in Oshkosh. In February Ronald Spiering moved to that apartment building, but was living in another unit. He was convicted of 3rd degree sexual assault in 2005 for assaulting a woman he knew. He was sentenced to 9 years in prison and 5 years of extended supervision. He also was previously convicted in 1985 for sexually assaulting a 3-year-old girl and in 1995 for sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl. He is on GPS monitoring for life.
Thiesfeldt Named To Study Committee On Student Data
State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt of Fond du Lac was recently named chairman of the Legislative Council Study Committee on Student Data. Thiesfeldt says he is honored to be named chairman of the group and is looking forward to their first meeting in July. The committee will consider creating legislation to limit gathering student data by the Department of Public Instruction and to improve the security of that data.
Beaver Dam And Waupun Added To Downtown Revitalization Program
The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation has accepted 15 new municipalities into its Connect Communities Program. Among the 15 new participants are Downtown Beaver Dam Incorporated and the City of Waupun. Since the program was launched in January 2013, participating communities have reported adding 175 net new businesses and more than 550 jobs, as well as $30 million in private investment. There are now 67 communities in the program.
FDL School Board Approves Teacher Resignations And Hirings
The Fond du Lac School Board Monday approved the resignations of six teachers and the hiring of six new teachers. District Superintendent Jim Sebert admits there has been more movement in the teaching ranks over the past few years. He says in the case of the six resignations those people are getting closer to home or trying something different. Last week Sebert, a teacher and four high school students from the district participated in the listening session with Governor Walker. He says one of the things they discussed was how to attract more kids to a teaching career. The board also approved the appointment of Frank Endejan as an expulsion hearing officer. Sebert says they are fortunate to have him. He says expelling students is the last thing a school district wants to do.
Congressman Grothman On Brexit
Congressman Glenn Grothman says it remains to be seen whether the so- called Brexit or Britain’s exit from the European Union will benefit the country. He says if they are going to use their freedom to cut back on entitlements and improve their business climate it is good, but if they use to add more entitlements it’s a disaster. He says given what has happened it is not surprising that the British Prime Minister resigned in the wake of that exit. Grothman says the prime minister put everything in to keeping Britain part of the European Union and he says when you fail like that you leave. The Brexit has shaken Wall Street and confidence in 401Ks and IRAs. Grothman says he hopes Britain will be able to turn things around. He says England has had such an important role in World History and with the Magna Carta so much a part of the history of freedom.
Facilities Committee Makes Recommendation For Waupun Schools Referendum
The Facilities Advisory Committee gave their final recommendations to the Waupun School Board last week. District Superintendent Tonya Gubin says they trimmed $1 million from their proposal, which would put a $35.8 million referendum before school district voters in November. She says next month the board will hold a special meeting to consider the recommendation. She says during the board’s regular July meeting they will talk about accepting the recommendation or revise it. She says if the referendum passes it will be tax neutral. She says they would refinance the final two years of the high school debt if the referendum succeeds. She says the costs of those facility improvements could be lower because they are using a conservative rate in figuring the interest rates on bonds.
Active Shooter Training Held In FDL
Local police, fire and EMS participated in active shooter training last week in Fond du Lac. Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Sergeant Chris Dobyns says they are involved in something called ALERT or Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training. He says level one is primarily for the first responding officers in an active shooter incident. He says it shares techniques and tactics they can use to better protect the community and save the lives of the victims. But he says police officers aren’t the only people responding to a scene like the night club shooting in Orlando. He says fire and EMS are also pulled into those events so they wanted to give them the training too. He says level two provides training for how to medically deal with the victims during an active shooting incident. Dobyns says in addition to Sheriff’s deputes, Fond du Lac Police, Fire and EMS, some North Fond du Lac Police Officers and the State Patrol participated in the training.