Local News
KFIZ News Wednesday 6/22/16
Call 911 If You Come Across Old Explosives
Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue Division Chief Troy Haase says the Fond du Lac man who brought in old fireworks to their station on South Main did the right thing. He says it was better than driving around with them, taking them to his house or getting rid of them along the way. He says it would have been better to call 911 and take care of the potential explosives where they were. He says professionals hauling explosives normally have their trucks marked, which lets authorities know what they are dealing with if something goes wrong. Haase says sometimes explosives are unstable and moving them around can set them off. He says static electricity or even a door slam could be enough to ignite them. He says if you are in doubt when you come across old explosives call 911.
NFDL Village Board Considers Grant To Pay For Ladder Truck
The North Fond du Lac Village Board is considering applying for a federal grant to help finance the purchase of a new ladder truck for the fire department. Nick Leonard is the Director of Engineering and Planning for the Village. He says Kevin DeCramer of Grant Resources of Wisconsin gave a presentation to the board this week on the Assistance to Firefighters Grant or AFG program. The local match is small in comparison to the overall cost. He says the village would have to pay a local share of five percent of the cost. Leonard says because of the competition for the grants the success rate is only 10 percent. He says the need is the most important thing considered. The cost of a new ladder truck is estimated near $850,000. Last year the Oshkosh Fire Department got an AFG grant for about $182,000 for a training program.
Eilliens Sunflower Snacks Recalled
Eillien’s Candies of Green Bay is voluntarily recalling various snack products containing Roasted-Salted Sunflower Kernels and Roasted-Unsalted Sunflower Kernels. The product has the potential to be contaminated with Listeria. That is an organism, which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Listeria infection can cause miscarriages and stillbirths among pregnant women.
For more click here.
Waupun Man Sentenced For Trying To Break Into Brothers Home
The 27-year-old Waupun man who tried to break down his older brother’s front door with a pick axe pled no contest to a misdemeanor charge of criminal damage to property. Alberto Guimarais entered the plea in Fond du Lac County court. Judge Robert Wirtz ordered him to pay his fine and court costs by August 19th or face up to 12 days in jail. Guimarais was shot during the incident last November.
FDL City Council Preview
The Fond du Lac City Council will get an overview tonight of the City’s 2017 Budget. City Manager Joe Moore and Director of Administration Tracy Salter will provide that overview. The Council will also consider the annual renewal of beverage licenses. The Council meets at 6 p.m. at the City-County Government Center.
Court Security Another Service Of FDL County Sheriffs Dept
One of the important, but less known services the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Department provides is courtroom security. Lt. Bill Tadych oversees that program. He says they have a team of deputies that provide that security. He says they have a core group of 4 to 6 deputies with one deputy watching all five courtrooms. He says there are a tremendous number of cases that go through Fond du Lac County courts. Deputy Shad Ballwanz says they provide extra security for higher profile cases and especially sentencing’s. He says the jail staff keeps them informed about inmates that might present a problem in the courtrooms.
Annual Twilight Meeting Tonight
More area residents will have a chance to meet the UW-Extension’s new Crops and Soils Agent for Dodge and Fond du Lac Counties tonight. Loretta Ortiz-Ribbing will be at the Dodge and Fond du Lac County Forage Councils annual twilight meeting. It will at the RCI Engineering facility in Mayville. The RCI Engineering facility is located at 208 River Knoll Road, which is in the industrial park on the north side of Mayville. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. Ortiz-Ribbing invites producers to bring samples for testing. She says haylage, corn silage, or snaplage sample in a sealed bag. Randy Clark of RCI Engineering is this year’s featured speaker. He will talk about “Making Better Forage Faster.” The Dodge County Sheriff’s Department will also be presenting on “Understanding of Implements of Husbandry Law”.
Unclaimed Property Program Anniversary
The state’s Department of Revenue recently celebrated the one year anniversary of its unclaimed property matching program. The agency launched the initiative last June, and returned more than $11.6 million related to nearly 97,000 claims in just three months. The Department returned a total of $38.7 million in unclaimed property in 2015. This March, the agency returned another $13 million through its unclaimed property matching initiative. Owners of unclaimed property will soon see another $4.2 million returned to them.
FDL County Offices Closed For Fourth Of July
All Fond du Lac County offices in the City/County Government Center, the Sheriff’s Office lobby window, the Department of Social Services, including the offices in the Portland Street Annex, the Veterans Service Office, and the Highway Department will be closed all day on Monday, July 4th.