Lanes set to close on I-41 in Winnebago County

To invest in Wisconsin’s transportation system, Governor Evers signed a $2.04 million contract for a rehabilitation project on the I-41 Lake Butte des Morts causeway between WIS 21 and US 45 in the city of Oshkosh, Winnebago County. The project begins Tuesday, May 28, and is expected to finish in early October of this year. Both directions of I-41 will be reduced from three to two lanes across Lake Butte des Morts. In addition, the US 45 ramp to southbound I-41 will be closed for the majority of the project.

Sheet Piling Services of Custer, Wis. is the Prime Contractor.

Project improvements

Project improvements include:

  • Removing and replacing structure approaches for northbound and southbound I-41 bridges over main channel of Lake Butte des Morts
  • Replacing and relocating a 100-foot section of cable barrier on the west side of I-41 near the US 45 interchange
  • Removing and replacing existing safety and weight enforcement facilities (SWEF) along I-41 near the northern shore of Lake Butte des Morts

Traffic impacts

  • Northbound and southbound I-41 will be reduced from three to two lanes across Lake Butte des Morts.
  • Southbound I-41 ramp from US 45 will be closed beginning on Tuesday, May 28 for a majority of the project.
    • Detour route will follow US 45 to WIS 21 to I-41
  • Significant traffic impacts are anticipated throughout the entire project and motorists are advised to use alternate routes whenever possible.
  • Note: During EAA AirVenture, the project will be suspended with all lanes and ramps open to traffic.

Project benefits

The benefit of this project is to extend the life of I-41 bridges and upgrade the weight enforcement facilities along this important corridor.

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