Local News
Local News Briefs Friday 11-28-14
Black Friday
Today is Black Friday and many of you are out and about
looking for those great deals. Steve
Olson of the Fond du Lac Police Department reminds you to be safe while out
deal hunting. He says be sure to pay
attention to your surrounding to make sure nobody steals your purse, wallet or
credit cards. If you are going to
multiple places it might be a good idea to keep purchased items in the trunk of
your car rather than in the car where they are visible to potential bad
guys. Don’t be in a hurry to get from
place to place. They police department
will be out patrolling high traffic areas in the city today to make sure
everyone stays safe.
FDL Visitors Bureau Drop Off Site For Big Bundle Up Campaign
Area Visitors Bureau is inviting residents to drop off new or gently used
coats, sweaters, hats, mittens and other warm clothing items as part of the
Wisconsin Department of Tourism’s “The Big Bundle Up” campaign. The effort is a
statewide collection program running through January 2nd. This is the fourth
year of the program. To date, the program has collected more than 32,000 winter
items to help warm up families in need. A box will be located inside the
Visitors Bureau for donors to drop off warm clothing items. All items donated
at the location will be given to The Solutions Center.
Waupun Incumbent Alderpersons Running For Reelection
Incumbent alderperson in Waupun’s 1st, 3rd and 5th Aldermanic Districts
have filed papers declaring they will run for re-election next spring.
Alderpersons Julie Nickel, Ryan Mielke and Michael Johnson intend to run for
new terms. Officially candidates can’t begin circulating nomination papers for
the spring election until December 1st. They have to be returned to clerk’s
offices by 5 p.m. January 6th with an appropriate number of valid signatures to
be eligible to run for office. If a primary election is required it will be
held on Tuesday, February 17th.
Waupun Historical Society
The Waupun Historical
Society is seeking interested people for the executive board. Membership and
nominations need to be in no later than December 15th to allow for a
January election. Interested persons should contact, Jay Graff at 920-319-9031
or sgtjdg@yahoo.com. You can also contact
Jim Laird, Dylan Weber, or Rohn Bishop Sr. or stop in at The Historical Society
Museum the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month 12:30-4pm There are also looking
for people interested in helping construct a model train, telephone switch,
military, 60′-70′ era, and political history exhibits. Other projects are
possible, just ask.
Night Of Silence Tickets Available
Tickets are available for the Fond du Lac High School Music Department’s
popular holiday concert, Night of Silence. Free admission tickets are available
at Mike’s Music in
the High School Main Office or from the High School Music Department. Remaining tickets will also be available at
the door one hour prior to the start of each concert. Audience members are encouraged to get their
tickets early as these concerts have sold out in previous years. Performances will be on December 12 at 7:30
p.m., Saturday, December 13 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, December 14 at 2:00 p.m.
in the High School’s Performing Arts Center.
KFIZ Business Office Closed
The KFIZ Business office is closed today so our staff can
enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
We will be open again on Monday from 8am to 4pm if you need to pick up a
prize or take care of any other station business.