Local News
Local News Briefs Friday 5/6/16
Motions Being Considered In Washington County Attempted Murder Case
A Washington County Judge next month will consider motions filed by the lawyer defending a 38-year-old migrant worker charged with stabbing a co-worker. Roberto Castillo-Noyola is charged with attempted first degree intentional homicide and first degree recklessly endangering safety for the incident last August. Sheriff’s officials say he believed the other man had stolen beer and money from him. He grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed the man multiple times. Castillo-Noyola is being held in the Washington County Jail on a $50,000 cash bond.
Aeropostale Closing At Forest Mall
The clothing chain Aeropostale is closing 113 stores in the U.S. including one in the Forest Mall in Fond du Lac. The chain has filed for bankruptcy protection in New York. The only other Wisconsin store its closing is in Wausau. The clothing chain has lost money for a little over four straight years. The company is also closing 41 stores in Canada.
Johnson Street Brick Replacement Work Next Week
Fond du Lac’s Public Works Department tell us there will be maintenance to the brick crosswalks on Johnson St. between Pioneer Rd. and National Ave. Work begins Sunday when crews will be replacing missing and damaged bricks in crosswalks from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM the following morning. The work is expected to take 4-5 days. Since all the work will take place at intersections, drivers are being asked to be extra cautious when encountering the crew particularly when making turning movements. Only single lanes will be closed at any time and the crew will move along rather quickly.
Intersection Improvements Will Accommodate Overweight And Oversized Vehicles
Governor Scott Walker recently approved approximately $236,000 to improve the State Highway 23 and U.S. Highway 151 intersection in Fond du Lac. The project begins Tuesday and will be finished by June 30th. Michels Corporation of Brownsville is the prime contractor. The project will widen the ramp intersection radius with the construction of truck aprons at the Highway151 southbound on-ramp and Highway 23 to accommodate oversize or overweight vehicles. Currently there are wind tower transport vehicles that turn left from the right lane that require the use of a police escort to stop traffic. The project modifies the intersection to safely accommodate these vehicles without the use of a police escort. Lane closures associated with this construction can be expected on Highway 23.
State Representative Thiesfeldt On Highway 23 Delay
State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt says he doesn’t know why Federal Judge Lynn Adelman waited so long to deny a motion to reinstate the Highway 23 expansion project between Fond du Lac and Plymouth. He says the DOT got the information the judge wanted for their motion to him last December. He says even if the judge had reinstated the project waiting until the end of April to issue his decision would have pushed the project back several years. He says at the earliest the project would have been pushed off until 2018. He’s hoping the DOT will appeal the judge’s decision, but he says a petition started by citizens certainly would help the effort to get the project reinstated. Thiesfeldt says he’s surprised some of the families who have lost loved ones on that stretch of highway haven’t filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the group 1,000 Friends of Wisconsin who initiated the lawsuit that led to the judge’s decision.
Red Cross Blood Drive In Oakfield Today
About half of the blood donated in the country is done through Red Cross blood drives. Peter Sensenbrenner of the local Red Cross says there are a couple of blood drives in Fond du Lac County this month. He says today people can donate blood at the Oakfield High School from 1:45 to 5:45 p.m. There’s another at the Mt. Calvary Fire Station on May 14th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the American Legion Post in Fond du Lac on May 24th from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. He says you can find out times and locations for area blood drives at the Red Cross website. He says it’s a small investment of your time when you donate, but its saves lives.
Lemonade Day Saturday
About 170 area grade school kids will be participating in the annual Lemonade Day Saturday. Brenda Schaefer of Moraine Park Technical College says its good experience for the kids running the more than 50 stands across the area. She says it teaches them how to set goals, develop a business plan, and even decide about what kind of lemonade they are going to make. Grace Worthington and Ava Petrowitz will be running a stand outside the Fond du Lac Police Department. Grace says they will have different treats for sale in addition to the lemonade. Logan Koch will help operate a stand on East Johnson Street near Subway. He says he’s already familiar with one business reality. He says he was fired from a business he helped found. Lemonade Day is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Maps of where the stands are located can be found at the Fond du Lac Area Association of Commerce office and the Fond du Lac Works website.
Brunswick Dividend For Shareholders
The board of directors of Brunswick Corporation recently declared a regular quarterly dividend on its common stock of 15 cents per share payable June 15th to shareholders of record on May 24th. Last October Brunswick increased the dividend by 20 percent.
Summer Camp Opportunities Through Salvation Army
The Fond du Lac Salvation Army is offering are kids and adults summer camping opportunities. Army Lake Camp is a 200 acre camp in East Troy. Social Services Director Ron Jacobson says they have all types of camps for different ages beginning with the Junior Camp for 9 to 12 year olds from June 14th to 17th. There’s a Music Camp, Outdoor Camp, Family Camp, Kids Camp, Older Adult Camp, Men’s Camp, and a Craft Camp. He says transportation is provided; it’s only $10, but sign up ends May 27th. But they have other activities as well including a Summer Archery program in the Salvation Army gym that is free. It’s on Tuesday from 1-2 p.m. and transportation is available if needed.
For more information call 923-8220.