Local News
Local News Briefs Friday 8/29/14
The 29-year-old Waupun woman suspected of driving drunk and injuring her two young children was arraigned in Dodge County Court this week. Amanda Vant Hoff pled not guilty. The accident happened on State Highway 68 near Laurel Hill Road in the Town of Trenton in June. She lost control round a curve and put her vehicle in a ditch. Her 4-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter suffered non-life threatening injuries in the mishap.
FDL Police Department Equipment Needs Outlined
The Fond du Lac Police Department will require equipment purchases in 2015 to replace aging and unsafe equipment. Police Chief Bill Lamb reviewed the department’s budget needs for the City Council this week. Lamb says it will cost about $265,000 to replace seven squad cars, 5 marked and 2 unmarked. Other needs include replacing 23 radios at a cost of $87,000 and replacing 85 guns for $45,000. He says they need to replace all 90 radios they use, but wanted to soften the blow by doing it over several years. However he says that’s not something they can afford to do with the guns their department uses. The Crisis Negotiation Team also needs to upgrade the phone system the phone system they use at a cost of $32,000.
Firm Hired To Assess NFDL Schools Facilities
Over the next year a Milwaukee firm will be assessing the North Fond du Lac Schools’ facilities to determine their future needs. North Fond du Lac Schools Superintendent Aaron Sadoff says they do have aging facilities that require certain attention. He says Bray and Associates will take stock of what will be required and come up with suggestions on tackling those needs and how to fund them. The North Fond du Lac School Board this week hired Bray and Associates to do the long-range facility need plan.
No Expansion Of Act 10 For Police And Fire
Will there be an effort to expand ACT 10 to protective services like police and fire unions if the Governor is re-elected. State Senator Rick Gudex of Fond du Lac says you just aren’t hearing that kind of talk anymore in Madison and the Governor himself has shot down those rumors. He says in Fond du Lac Police and Fire unions have done their part by paying more towards their health insurance and retirement contributions without being pressured to do so. He says the full legislature just doesn’t have the appetite to do that.
Free Fare Day On FDL Transit Buses
You can ride the Fond du Lac Transit buses for free on any of their fixed routes today for free. It’s “free fare” day. Transit Manager Lynn Gilles says it’s a great way for students to plan their back to school routes. She says for others it’s also a way to get acquainted with their bus routes or service. Festival Foods is even providing cake for the event. The cake and refreshments are available at their transfer zone at the corner Macy and Rees Streets. The transit buses run from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Captain Derek Dobogai Run/Walk Saturday
The 6th Annual Captain Derek Dobogai Memorial Run/Walk will be held at the Winnebago Lutheran Academy Saturday morning. WLA was Captain Dobogai’s high school alma mater. He lost his life along with 13 others when their helicopter went down in northern Iraq in August of 2007. His mother Lisa says her son loved to run and the Memorial Run/Walk is an appropriate way to remember him. This year proceeds will go to the WLA Track Fund and Salute the Troops. For more on the run click here.
MPTC Or The Ritz-Carlton?
It may sound strange, but the new entrance for Moraine Park Technical College’s Fond du Lac campus will include a welcome center that’s designed like a premium hotel. Stan Cram is the vice president of student affairs for MPTC. He says the entrance is designed like the Ritz-Carlton model with a concierge and a welcome center. He says it will be a comfortable environment with a big screen they can show students what kind of programs they can offer. He says they will also have a veterans’ representative to make veterans who are students feel more welcome. The new $1.5 million addition will be a little over 5,200 square feet in size and will open next January.
Dollar General Opening In Campbellsport Saturday
Dollar General is opening a new store in Campbellsport celebrating Saturday with free prizes and special deals. The store at 510 Grandview Avenue opens at 8 a.m. The first 50 adult shoppers at the store will receive a $10 Dollar General gift card and the first 200 shoppers will receive a Dollar General tote bag, among other giveaways.