Local News
Local News Briefs Monday 12/8/14
Tips are being sought and evidence is being reviewed in an effort to identify the man who robbed the Marathon Gas Station at South Main and 7th Streets last Thursday night. Fond du Lac Assistant Police Chief Steve Klein says the man walked into the store and flashed a handgun he had tucked in his waistband by lifting up his shirt. He says they will review all the evidence including video surveillance. He says a police dog was brought in hoping to track the suspect who left on foot, but that effort wasn’t successful. The robbery happened a little after 8 p.m. and anyone who was in that area at the time that might have seen something is encouraged to call the non-emergency line at the police station at 906-5555 or the Crime Alert line at 322-3740.
Advice Given In Light Of Daytime Burglaries
In light of some daytime burglaries in the Ripon and Rosendale area Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s officials are cautioning homeowners. Sheriff’s Lieutenant Cameron McGee says it appears narcotics were targeted during the four burglaries, but cash and other items were also taken. He recommends locking doors and windows and notifying authorities if they see suspicious activity. He says the burglars are coming up to the door and knocking on it to see if anyone is home. If no one answers the door they go inside. (He also says at least try to give the impression that someone is at home. The burglaries have occurred over the last three weeks.
Bullet Goes Through Waupun Community Center
Waupun Police are investigating a stray bullet that went through the Waupun Community Center on Saturday, November 29th. Police got a call about 3:30 that afternoon about a bullet that entered the north side of the building and traveled in a southerly direction until it lodged in the safety glass at the Ice Rink. No one was hurt in the incident, but police are asking anyone who has information to contact them.
Move Into Facility Later This Week At RMC
It’s going to be a busy week for Ripon Medical Center officials as they move into their new hospital on Parkside Street. Ripon Medical Center Chief Operating Officer Katherine Vergos says they will stop admitting patients tomorrow with the brunt of their move this Friday and Saturday. She says the new hospital and wellness center are a significant investment in the community for Agnesian HealthCare and their foundations. The hospital project was just over $44 million; with another $2 million for the wellness center.She says the wellness center will serve both those undergoing rehab and community members who want to stay in shape. Community members got a look at the new hospital during an open house yesterday.
FDL School Board Preview
The Fond du Lac School Board will consider approving four new courses for the high school when it meets this afternoon. The courses, which would begin in the 2015-2016 school year, would be in the social studies and business, marketing and information technology departments. The board meets at 5 p.m. in the District Administration Center Board Room at 72 West 9th Street in Fond du Lac. Due to the holidays there will be no second school board meeting this month.
United Way Campaign Update
The Fond du Lac Area United Way has raised about 70 percent of their $745,000 goal. United Way Executive Director Tina Potter says they’ve collected nearly $525,000 in contributions and are a little behind last year’s campaign. She says it is encouraging however to see manufacturing and industry bounce back. She says their industry division is at 93 percent of their particular goal. She says recently they got a check from Canadian National Railroad for over $17,000. If you would like to give to the United Way you can give online at their website or by stopping by or mailing your donation to their office at 74 South Main Street, Suite 201 in Fond du Lac.
Night Of Silence Tickets All Given Out
Tickets for the Fond du Lac High School Music Department’s popular holiday concert, Night of Silence are all gone. District Superintendent Jim Sebert says it’s a great event. He says the most difficult thing for those attending the concert is too hold their applause until the very end. Performances will be this Friday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, at 2:00 p.m. in the High School’s Performing Arts Center. Music Department officials say there’s a slim chance someone might turn in their free tickets and anyone who wants those tickets should come to the door an hour ahead of one of the performances to claim them.
Shop With A Cop This Thursday
The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office Shop with a Cop program will be held this Thursday at the Wal-Mart in Fond du Lac. Deputy Julie Flaherty coordinates the program. She says while participating in this program, children ages 5-12 are given the opportunity to make a real connection with a law enforcement officer and discover the positive influence an officer can have in their lives. Each participant is given $50 to spend on family members while they spend time shopping with an officer. Once their shopping is completed, the presents are wrapped while the shoppers and officers enjoy a meal with each other. At the end of the night, the children are able to select a special gift for themselves from a gift table. Tax-deductible donations to the program cover not only gifts the children choose, but it also helps with the many other costs involved with the program. Checks can be made out to “Shop with a Cop” and mailed to the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office, PO Box 1273, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1273.
Ripon Kiwanis Drive Under Way
The Ripon Early Bird Kiwanis are conducting a diaper, underwear and sock drive to benefit underprivileged children and adults in Ripon. Infant to adult sized diapers are needed, infant to high school sized underwear and socks. Donations bins are located near the checkout at the Ripon Pick ‘N Save, Hillside Dental Associates, and Ripon Walgreen’s. The drive runs through this Sunday