Local News
Local News Briefs Saturday 4-16-16
On A Sub
U.S. Navy aboard one of the Navy’s newest attack submarines, USS North
Carolina. Petty Officer 3rd Class Steven Wilmes was selected to
work as a machinist aboard the Pearl Harbor-based boat, one of only 12
Virginia-class attack submarines in the Navy’s fleet. The
newest and most advanced subs. According
to Navy officials, because of the demanding environment aboard submarines,
personnel are accepted only after rigorous testing and observation. Submariners
are some of the most highly trained and skilled people in the Navy. Wilmes said “I
am honored to be part of something that is much bigger than myself.”
Wins Award
Marine was recently honored with the “Best Brand Penetration Award”
at the 2016 China International Boat Show in
The Asian Marine & Boating Awards consists of a panel of judges from
Asia and
made up of marine executives and members of the media. A representative of the
Asian Marine & Boating Awards said of Mercury’s win, “The brand
presence of Mercury is getting stronger and stronger in
owner, you must know Mercury.”
Kohl Educational Foundation Awards
handful of area students will be honored today at The Herb Kohl Educational
Foundation Luncheon at
receiving foundation awards. Local
students being honored with “Excellence Scholar” Awards include; Samuel Meier
on Fond du Lac, High School, Serena Prtichard of Central Wisconsin Christian,
and Levi Feucht of Campbellsport High. Taylor Carpenter of North Fond du Lac
and Chase Witthun of
are being recognized as “Initiative Scholars.”
The event is one of five being held across the state.