Local News
Local News Briefs Saturday 5/28/16
More Information Released About Overturned Semi
The State Patrol has released some details about the semi carrying a wind turbine tower that overturned on Highway 151 southbound Thursday. The accident at County D occurred because brakes on the rear dolly locked up. The driver, 49-year-old Patrick O’Rourke of Manitowoc, steered right to get onto the shoulder but the vehicle overturned. Damage occurred to the asphalt on the shoulder and to a delineator post. The accident was reported shortly after 10 a.m.
From Bar To Farm Field
Washington County Sheriff’s officials say they helped a disoriented woman who was reported walking on Highway 164 this week. The woman told a deputy the last thing she remembered was drinking in a Chicago bar. She also wasn’t sure how she ended up in the clothes she was wearing when she was found in a field in the Town of Polk. Investigators determined she wasn’t a crime victim, wasn’t wanted by the law, and wasn’t under the influence of drugs. She asked to be taken to the Amtrak station in Milwaukee to make her own arrangements to get home.
Waupun Inmate Accused Of Beating Guard With Milk Crate
A Waupun Correctional inmate is accused of attacking a corrections officer. Thirty-five-year-old Jermaine Lockhart is facing one felony count of Battery by Prisoner as a Repeat Offender. He allegedly beat the officer with a milk crate last October during a cell search. The officer was treated for an abrasion on the top of his head and a contusion to his left arm. Lockhart claims the officer had been mistreating him prior to the alleged incident. His initial court appearance is set for June 28
Funding Provided For Design Work For Sheboygan County Memorial Airport Project
Governor Scott Walker has approved a $166,667 project to fund design work at Sheboygan County Memorial Airport. The funds will be used to develop plans and specifications for a runway rehabilitation project. The Federal Aviation Administration will supply $150,000 for the project with the State and Sheboygan County splitting the remaining costs. Design work began in April and should be completed by this summer.
Arrests Made In IRS Scams
State and federal consumer protection officials continue to field a massive number of complaints about phony IRS collections calls. The calls continue to come in across the country, but Wisconsin consumer protection administrator Frank Frassetto says federal and local officials are finally starting to track some of the crooks down. “Federal authorities announced that they had arrested five people in Miami who are accused of tricking 1,500 victims into paying a total of $2 million.” Unfortunately, Frassetto says the equipment used by many of these crooks to pull of their scams can be simply purchased over the Internet, making it hard to keep track of all of the groups that are trying to bilk people out of their money.
Technology Opening Up New Avenue Of Communication For Those With Autism
A leading expert on autism and savant syndrome says technology is allowing children with autism who can’t vocalize their ideas to communicate them. Dr. Darrold Treffert of the Treffert Center in Fond du Lac says children and even adults with autism have great ideas, but can’t always communicate that with their voices. He says computer tablets allow them to share those ideas with the world.
Art Walk Proposal Interests FDL City Council President
Fond du Lac City Council President Lee Ann Lorrigan says she’s interested in seeing what some art walks will look like in the City. The Art Board has proposed doing some painting in crosswalks at parks and selected sidewalks in the City. Pictures would be depicted in the walks and there’s even a way of having some art show up on a sidewalk after a fresh rain. Lorrigan says it’s one of the Art Board’s first ventures and she’s looking forward to seeing the results. She says it will be unique and different and should appeal to tourists visiting the City.
Waupun High School Graduation Today
Waupun High School seniors will take a walk in their cap and gowns today to receive their high school diploma, but it won’t be the last walk they take in such attire. District Superintendent Tonya Gubin says next week some of those seniors will return in cap and gown and stroll through the district’s elementary schools. She says it should make quite an impression on the younger students. The Waupun High School Graduation will be held in the high school gym at 10:30 this morning.
RMC Auxiliary Holding Brat Fry In Ripon
The Ripon Medical Center Auxiliary will be holding a brat fry at the Ripon Pick n’ Save today from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Brats, hamburgers, cheeseburgers and hot dogs will be available. There will also be a bake sale. The auxiliary raises money through the brat fry and bake sale to support area student scholarships for graduating seniors interested in pursuing an education in the healthcare field and to support the programs of the Ripon Medical Center.