Local News
Local News Briefs Thursday 3/17/16
FDL Advisory Parking And Traffic Board Consider 23 And K Turn Lanes
Fond du Lac’s Advisory Parking and Traffic Board this afternoon will discuss proposal to put in slotted left turns lanes at Highway 23 and County Highway K. The County’s Traffic Safety Commission and Highway Committee both are supporting the proposal. Fond du Lac Public Works Director Jordan Skiff says the state’s Department of Transportation wants a consensus about the left turn lanes before they schedule a public hearing the proposed changes. He says the Advisory Parking and Traffic Board will make a recommendation and the City Council will review it next Wednesday. Fond du Lac County Executive Al Buechel says the state DOT has been very supportive regarding this proposal. The Advisory Parking and Traffic Board meets at 1:30 this afternoon at the City-County Government Center in Fond du Lac.
Beaver Dam House Fire
Fire damaged the third floor and roof of a Beaver Dam home early Wednesday morning. Deputy Fire Chief Matthew Christian says they responded to the call at 106 West Water Street just after 1:30 a.m. The house wasn’t occupied at the time of the blaze. A neighbor saw smoke coming from the roof and called the fire in. There was also major smoke and water damage to the first two floors. The cause is being determined. Five fire departments battled the blaze.
Stolen Car Recovered In Oshkosh
Police in Oshkosh says a Toyota Prius stolen from a woman’s driveway early Monday was recovered in the City with no damage to it. Investigators are looking into several tips they have received from community members related to this theft. Police previously released videos on their Facebook page of two suspects who tried to use stolen credit cards at a Walmart Store in Neenah. The cards were in a purse that was left in the unlocked car. The suspects are a black man and black woman, both 20 to 30 years of age.
Dodge County Board Approves New Highway Shop In Neosho
Dodge County supervisors this week approved building a new highway shop in Neosho. The $2.9 million facility will replace a 61-year-old shop. Officials say they’ve outgrown the current building. Maas Brothers of Watertown will be the project manager. The current facility will be used to store smaller items.
FDL County Deer Advisory Council To Meet
The Fond du Lac County Deer Advisory Council will be holding a meeting next Monday to review deer herd information and discuss preliminary recommendations for the 2016 deer hunting season. The meeting will be at the City-County Government Center in Fond du Lac from 7 to 9 p.m. Some of the recommendations that will be considered include antlerless harvest quotas, antlerless permit levels, and other season options.
Veterans Service Officer Clarifies Article
Fond du Lac County Veterans Service Officer Rick Patton recently took some time to clear up some things he feels were misunderstood in a newspaper article. The story had to do with the Marine Corps League looking for a home downtown. Patton says the building they work at on North Portland Street has other county offices and is full, but the Center for Veterans Issues isn’t stuck out in the hallway. He says they have offices in the building. He also says while they do the most with the space they have they aren’t packed two to an office. He also says comments about the younger generation of veterans not being interested in going through formal meetings, wasn’t quite accurate. He says those younger veterans are active and used to being engaged, they want some value other than just attending a meeting. Patton says the American Legion is considering talking about expanding their post, which would help out veterans groups.
Evening Of Chocolate And Wine A Success
The annual “An Evening of Chocolate & Wine” raised nearly $20,000 for Waupun Memorial Hospital’s women’s health and breast care services. About 170 people enjoyed the event presented by the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation and Waupun Memorial Hospital’s Special Events Committee. The event featured chocolate, food, wine, specialty beers, music, a raffle and a silent auction. Holly Brenner, Agnesian HealthCare Foundation president, says, “We know that area women appreciate the opportunity to receive their health and wellness services right here in Waupun, and this funding helps Waupun Memorial Hospital have the technology and care to eliminate the need for travel.” This year’s event raised $19,900.
Sheriff’s Benevolent Association Scholarships
The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office Benevolent Association is looking for high school seniors living in the County who would like to apply for their scholarship program. Sheriff’s Lieutenant Ryan Waldschmidt says they will be awarding five (5) $500 scholarships to those who qualify. Applications are available at the Sheriff’s website. He says go to announcements and you will see a link that will take you to the application form. The application contains mostly standard information questions, but a few to see what sets the applicant apart from others. The application must be post-marked by April 15th.
To get to the application form click here.