Local News
Local News Briefs Thursday 4/21/16
FAA Reauthorization Includes Change For Charging Fees For Fly Ins
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson recently voted in favor of legislation that reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration. The senator from Oshkosh says the legislation includes several provisions he fought for, including an amendment that prohibits the FAA from charging large general aviation fly-in events, like EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, additional fees for their air traffic controllers to work the towers. Johnson says since a policy shift in 2012 the FAA has levied well over a million dollars in new fees. He says what the FAA is doing to AirVenture and other similar fly-in events is wrong and needs to stop.
Waupun Common Council Holds Reorganizational Meeting
During the Waupun Common Council’s reorganizational meeting this week Alderman Mike Johnson was elected to another term as council president. The vote for council president was cast by secret ballot with Johnson getting three votes. Alderman Pete Kaczmarski got two votes and Alderwoman Nancy Vanderkin one vote.
Changes On The Way For Cooperative Extension Services
Just like the UW Colleges the UW Extension Service is also dealing with budget cuts. During a stop in Fond du Lac this week UW Colleges and UW Extension Chancellor Cathy Sandeen said cooperative extension services in particular will be facing cuts. She says that division received a permanent budget cut of $3.6 million. Cuts to the UW Colleges led to the forming of regional leadership teams for the two-year campuses. Sandeen says something similar is planned for the cooperative extension services. She says three or four counties will be managed by an administrative team. She says counties will have a say on how cooperative extension services meet their needs. She says work groups are exploring how they will make that happen. Changes will not go into effect for nine months to a year.
Feingold Has A Plan For Stopping Terrorists
Former U.S. Senator Russ Feingold says terrorists have to be stopped and not be made a political issue. In his latest TV ad Feingold says he has a comprehensive plan for doing that. And just what does that plan involve? He says you can cut off their oil supplies and finances. He says when it comes to Isis and Al Qaeda you also have to knock off their leaders. Feingold also says we have to make sure Turkey isn’t supplying them with arms. He’s challenging incumbent U.S. Senator Ron Johnson this fall for the seat he lost to Johnson nearly six years ago.
NFDL Village Board Approves Special Use Permit For Kornelis Expansion
The North Fond du Lac Village Board this week granted a special use permit that will allow Korneli’s BP to expand. Village Administrator Chuck Hornung says it will allow the convenience store to put on an addition. He says the gas station on Prospect Avenue will increase the concrete pad around the front of the station, put in some coolers and offer more inside the store for customers. He says it’s a project store owners have had in the works for more than a year. He says time had lapsed on the original permit and the project had to go before the plan commission and village board for approval of a special use permit. Korneli’s also has two locations in Fond du Lac, on South Main Street and East Johnson Street.
Johnson Staff In Rosendale Monday
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson’s staff will be in Rosendale next Monday for mobile office hours. They will be at the Rosendale Village Hall from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. the Mobile office hours allow constituents to meet with the senator’s staff to request assistance with a federal agency or regarding other federal matters.
DAV Mobile Service Office Stopping In FDL
The Disabled American Veterans Mobile Service Office will be making a stop in Fond du Lac next month to provide counseling and claim filing assistance to area veterans. The DAV Mobile Service Office will be at the American Legion Post on Fond du Lac Avenue from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 5th. They will also be in Oshkosh on Wednesday, May 4th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Elks Club. A stop is also planned during those same hours at the VFW Post in West Bend on Friday, May 6th. The service is free to all veterans and members of their families.