Local News
Local News Briefs Tuesday 10/15/13
Apparently the FBI got a tip, which led to the arrest of a 30-year-old escapee from a mental health institute in Fond du Lac Saturday night. Graham Stowe was arrested without incident in the parking lot across from the Press Box bar on Forest Avenue. He was driving a car with another person in it. Fond du Lac Police were involved in the arrest after being contact by the FBI. The FBI had been watching family, friends and acquaintances of Stowe since his escape from the Mendota Mental Health Institute in Madison on July 2nd. They learned a family member would be meeting with him in Fond du Lac, which led to his capture. Stowe broke into his former girlfriend’s home in Brown County in 2004. Police say during the incident he tied up her brother and father, doused them with gasoline and threatened to light them on fire. No one was hurt during the incident. He was serving a 39-year sentence at Mendota. He is facing an escape charge in Dane County Court.
Shooting Suspect Posts Bond
The 19-year-old Fond du Lac man suspected of firing off guns in neighborhoods in Fond du Lac and North Fond du Lac has been released from the Fond du Lac County Jail. He was able to post a $5,000 cash bond Monday. No charges have been filed yet against him. Police were considering recklessly endangering safety, carrying a concealed weapon and operating a firearm while intoxicated charges against him after last Wednesday night’s incidents. When charges are filed a summons will be issued for a court appearance.
One Injured In Winnebago County Accident
One person was injured in a two-vehicle accident at the intersection of Winnebago County Highways CB and O last night when a vehicle tried to cross an intersection into oncoming traffic. Sheriff’s officials say an occupant in the vehicle that hit the car that was trying to cross the intersection was taken to an area hospital. Alcohol is believed to be a factor in the accident that was reported at 7:38 p.m. In addition to Sheriff’s deputies Town of Menasha Police and Town of Neenah Fire Department responded to the scene.
Sheboygan Man Sentenced For Arson
(WHBL-Sheboygan)-A 20-year-old Sheboygan man was recently sentenced in Sheboygan County Court for setting car fires last March in the towns of Sheboygan and Sheboygan Falls. Judge Terrence Bourke sentenced Mark Holtz to a year and a half in prison to be followed by 2 years on extended supervision. Holtz was also ordered to make restitution of $1500. Holtz admitted that he and 20 year old London Sprengel had made Molotov cocktails last March and set the vehicles on fire because the owners owed him money. One owed him ten dollars and the other owed him twenty. One vehicle sustained damage to the undercarriage while the other was fully engulfed before the fire was discovered. Sprengel is scheduled to be sentenced later this month.
FDL Schools Superintendent Will Testify Before Common Core Committee
Fond du Lac Schools Superintendent Jim Sebert will be one of those testifying in front of the state legislature’s select committees on Common Core education standards during a public hearing in Fond du Lac tomorrow. Sebert says they’ve had nothing but a positive experience with the new educational standards for math and literacy. He says criticism that it’s stealing creativity from teachers isn’t valid. He says the new standards are more rigorous in what kids are expected to do, but they are seeing kids rise to the challenge. The hearing will be from 2 to 8 p.m. in the legislative chambers of the Fond du Lac City-County Government Center. State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt chairs the State Assembly’s select committee on Common Core.
EAB Could Affect Economic Development
Beyond the aesthetic value the president of the Fond du Lac County Economic Development Corporation says the County has to think about how the loss of ash trees to the Emerald Ash Borer will impact business. Steve Jenkins says there are 4,000 ash trees alone in Fond du Lac’s Lakeside Park. He says people can save trees by having them treated, which is a financial commitment. He says how a community looks can impact efforts to attract business and tourism. He says thought should also go into what type of trees will be used to replace the ash trees. The DNR will have people on hand during an information meeting on the EAB at the City-County Government Center in Fond du Lac at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, October 28th.
State Surplus Larger Than Expected
(Wisconsin Radio Network)-The state ended its fiscal year with a bigger surplus than originally expected. Figures released Monday by the Department of Administration show Wisconsin wrapped up its 2013 fiscal year in June with a surplus of just over $759 million, which is about $90 million more than what state officials estimated the surplus would be in August. Most of the money is the result of state revenues growing more than expected. Of the surplus, about $153 million will be placed in the state’s rainy day fund. Governor Scott Walker says the larger surplus is another sign of the benefits brought on by the “tough, but prudent, decisions” being made in state government. However, Senate Democratic Leader Chris Larson argued it’s more than likely linked to the $800 million in cuts to education made by Republicans in the 2011 budget.
Schimel Enters Attorney General Race
(Wisconsin Radio Network)-Waukesha County’s district attorney wants to be Wisconsin’s next Attorney General. Republican Brad Schimel on Monday formally announced he will be a candidate for Wisconsin Attorney General in 2014. Schimel has been district attorney in Waukesha County since 2006, and a prosecutor there since 1990. In that time, he says he’s learned “an awful lot about what problems are facing citizens out in our communities, about the ways that law enforcement can approach those problems, and I’ve learned an awful lot about how to work with other people to find solutions.” Much like outgoing Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen, Schimel says fighting the state’s growing heroin epidemic would be one of his top priorities. He says those addictions are having a ripple effect on the residents of the state by increasing crimes ranging from theft to human trafficking. While no other candidates have announced plans to enter the race so far, Democratic State Representatives Chris Taylor (D-Madison) and Jon Richards (R-Milwaukee) have indicated they are considering a run. Wisconsin Professional Police Association executive director Jim Palmer has said he’s looking at running as an independent.
Wolf Hunt Underway
(Wisconsin Radio Network)-Wisconsin’s second wolf hunt got underway Monday. The Department of Natural Resources estimated the state’s wolf population at between 809 and 834 animals earlier this year. Dave McFarland is the DNR’s carnivore specialist. He says the quota this year is 251 up from 116 in 2012. Last year 117 wolves were killed during the inagural season. This year, unlike last, it will be legal to hunt wolves with dogs – but hunters won’t be compensated for hounds that might be killed. Dogs will be allowed after the close of the nine day gun deer season on December 2nd. Wisconsin is the only state in the nation that allows hounds to be used in a wolf hunt. The use of dogs was blocked by a court order last season.
Drug Drop Box Working Out Well For Dodge County Sheriff’s Dept
Dodge County Sheriff Pat Ninmann says the drug drop box they have at the Sheriff’s Department in Juneau is already having an impact. She says they’ve already taken in 170 pounds of unwanted and unused prescription medication. It’s located on the lower level of the Sheriff’s Department. She says it’s a white box that looks like a mail box. People deposit their drugs there and they are good to go. She says during Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, October 26th there will be a collection in the Ashippun area as well.
Intersection Closed
Fond du Lac’s Public Works Department advises us that the intersection of Merrill Avenue and Champion Avenue is closed. It will be closed for about a week while concrete pavement is being replaced.
FDL Police Dept Bike Auction Today
The Fond du Lac Police Department will hold its annual fall bike auction Tuesday in the Police Department garage at 126 North Main Street. Doors will open at 4 p.m. for viewing with the auction beginning at 4:30 p.m. Police Captain Mat Mueller says they hold a couple auctions a year. Residents can enter the auction area on the west side of the police department via the west garage doors. Mueller says in addition to bikes they have miscellaneous property that they will also be selling. It is estimated that this time there will be 75 to 100 bikes up for auction.
A Dog’s Tale The Whole Family Will Love
The Solutions Center will be hosting a movie at the Fond du Lac Public Library tonight the whole family will love, “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale” will be shown for free at 6 p.m. Snacks will be served. The G-rated film stars Richard Gere and Joan Allen. It tells the true story of a loyal dog named Hachiko who would accompany his master to the train station every day and return each afternoon to greet him after work. Sadly, his master departs one day and never returns to the station. Hachiko faithfully returns to the same spot at the station the very next day, and every day for the next nine years to wait for his beloved master. During his daily visits, Hachiko touches the lives of many who work near and commute through the town square. He teaches the local people love, compassion and above all unyielding loyalty.
Marian Speaker Talks About Drugs, Guns and U.S. Policies In Mexico
Marian University’s Social Justice Committee will be hosting a presentation by the Witness for Peace organization Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Stayer Center, Room 205. Francisco Cerezo, founding member of the Comite Cerezo, will serve as the keynote speaker for the event. His presentation will be on “Drugs, Guns and U.S. Policies in Mexico.” The event is free and open to the public.
Blood Drive
Fond du Lac County residents are urged to donate blood during a blood drive at a Mount Calvary restaurant today. The blood drive will be at Maximillian’s at 155 Fond du Lac Street from 11:45 a.m. to 6p.m.