Local News
Local News Briefs Tuesday 11/18/14
A rollover accident that killed two Fond du Lac teens may have occurred more than 12 hours before the accident was discovered in a farm field Sunday morning. Brandon Mans and Ari Ebling-Hopf, both 19-years-old, were found dead off Tripel T Road. Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Captain Rick Olig says investigators suspect the accident may have occurred Saturday night. He says the vehicle was covered with more than an inch of snow. Neighbors told investigators they had heard some loud noise about 6 o’clock Saturday night and one person who had driven down the road around midnight hadn’t seen any vehicle tracks in the fresh snow. Olig says they will learn from the vehicle’s computer when an airbag was deployed during the mishap.He says seat belt use and speed were factors in the accident. He says the driver wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and was ejected from the vehicle. His passenger was, but the vehicle rolled over a number of times causing great damage to the vehicle. He says that tells them speed was a factor. It’s the County’s first multiple fatal accident since September of 2012.
Drug Charges Brought Against Meth Lab Suspect
Charges have been brought against a 34-year-old Oshkosh man suspected of running a meth lab at 815 Franklin Street. Werner Roggenbuck was charged Monday in Winnebago County Court with manufacturing methamphetamine, maintaining a drug house and two other felony charges. Charges stem from execution of a search warrant at the home last Tuesday afternoon. A woman who was with him during his arrest hasn’t been charged yet. Bond was set at $1,500 cash for Roggenbuck. He has a preliminary hearing next Monday.
Southbound Lane Of Military Road Closed For Repair
Fond du Lac’s Water Utility will close the south bound lane of Military Road between Morris and Grove Streets this morning at 7:00 AM to repair a leaking valve. Brooke Street south of Western Avenue will be closed to prevent traffic from entering Military Road. A temporary pavement patch will be made after completing the utility repair, and the street will reopen on Thursday morning. North bound traffic will be maintained throughout the construction work.
Bungee Jumper Pleads No Contest To Trespass Charge
A 25-year-old Maribel man will have to pay over $3,400 in restitution for bungee jumping from one of the cranes at the Acuity site in Sheboygan. Nicholas Propson will also serve 30 days in jail. The money will cover the cost of re-certifying the 138 foot high crane for safety. The incident was caught on video and posted on YouTube, which police later used to charge him. A second Maribel man who also bungee jumped from the cranes goes to trial next month in Sheboygan County Court.
FDL County Budget To Be Approved
Fond du Lac County supervisors tonight will consider approving the 2015 County Budget and a 5-year capital improvements plan. As proposed the County Budget would include a $41.4 million tax levy. The tax rate would be $6.11 per thousand dollars of value on a property or a 6 cent increase. There will be no cuts in services or positions. The Board meets at 7 p.m. at the City-County Government Center in Fond du Lac.
Wage Increase Included In 2015 FDL County Budget
The 2015 Fond du Lac County Budget includes a 2 percent wage increase for County employees. County Executive Al Buechel says it’s the first real increase in wages for many employees since Act 10. He says in 2011 there was no increase and they got half a percent in 2012 and 13, and 1 ½ percent this year. He says plus most are paying 6.8 percent of their salary towards State Retirement. He says for many employees their take home pay is still below what it was in 2010. Buechel says even after the 2 percent increase they will still be behind, but they want to keep good qualified staff. He says since the County had a good year financially in 2013, they were able to set aside some salary contingency dollars to help fund the 2 percent increase for 2015.
UW-FDL Master Facilities Plan Ready For Roll Out
Officials at the UW-Fond du Lac are ready to roll out their master facilities plan for Fond du Lac County officials. UW-Fond du Lac Dean John Short says the plan covers the projected needs for the campus over the next 10 years. He says it includes a lot of different recommendations ranging from dredging news ponds to planting trees to a new health and exercise science building and changing classrooms for the needs of future students. He says it will of course also include facilities maintenance for the current facilities paying attention to HVAC systems, roofs, but it’s also about new learning spaces and environments.
Highway 44 Improvements Meeting In Ripon Tonight
The state’s Department of Transportation will host a meeting at the Ripon City Hall tonight to discuss proposed improvements to five miles of State Highway 44. The meeting is from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. A short presentation will be made at 5:15 p.m. The project starts 300 feet northeast of Douglas Street in Ripon and extends northeast to 500 feet over the Winnebago County line. Construction is scheduled for 2016.
Redevelopment Efforts Continue For Former Gas Station Site
Work continues to redevelop the site of a former gas station at Forest and Military in Fond du Lac. Community Development Director Dyann Benson says a block grant helped with the purchase of the former Pinky’s Food Mart. She says there are a number of possibilities about what might be developed on the site so they have asked developers to submit requests for proposals. She says some environmental testing is being done and they are hoping the DNR will give the necessary permission to the City that releases it from any future liability for the property. She says if that happens they won’t have a problem finding a developer for the property. Clean up of the site included removing five underground gas storage tanks and removing some soil.
Silver Alert An Option For Finding Missing And Endangered Adults
Fond du Lac County hasn’t had to use the new Silver Alert system yet, but a County Sheriff’s Lieutenant says it’s a great way to find a missing older adult who might be suffering from dementia or some type of cognitive issue. Cameron McGee says it’s similar to an Amber Alert. He says if they want to issue a Silver Alert they have to go through the state Justice Department giving them all the pertinent information on the person they are trying to locate. He says the Silver Alert has been available since August and the County nearly used it a couple months ago, but found the person they were looking for before calling the state to issue the alert.
Sponsors Needed For Solutions Center Holiday Programs
The Solutions Center in Fond du Lac is hosting a Christmas Adopt-a-Family program for its clients and is looking for sponsors. Clients include adults and children who are victims of domestic violence and/or victims of homelessness or impending homelessness. A great majority of those in the program are recent or current residents. Monetary donations, store gift cards, a new toy or personal items are needed. Another option is the Baskets of Hope Program. These baskets, laundry baskets filled with personal hygiene items and cleaning supplies, are given away when clients move out of shelter and into a home of their own. Suggested fillers include; laundry detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, all-purpose and toilet bowl cleaner, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, bath towels, dish soap and garbage bags. Those interested in learning more about the Christmas Adopt-a-Family or Baskets of Hope programs can call (920) 923-1743 or visit their website.
Donation Sought For Winnebago County 4-H Goat Project Pens
An effort is underway to raise money to replace the pens used for the Winnebago County 4-H Goat Project at the County Fair each August. Officials say doors to the pens have become difficult or impossible to open and close. Panels have become bent and worn, and in some casts conditions pose a hazard of escape or injury to the animals. Donations in the amount of $50 or more will be recognized with a plaque. There are Platinum, Silver, Gold and Bronze plaques depending on the level of donation. Contributions in the form of a check can be made payable to the Winnebago County Fair Association with the notation “for goat pens.” They should be sent to the Winnebago County Fair Association, 3017 State Road 116, Omro, Wisconsin 54963.